А. И. Герцен, Н. П. Огарев

Голоса из России. Сборники А. И. Герцена и Н. П. Огарева. В четырех томах. Том 1

Сборник "Голоса из России" представляет собой факсимильное издание 1856-1857 гг. В выпуск первый вошли I-III книги. Издание подготовлено Группой по изучению революционной ситуации в России конца 1850 - начала 1860-х годов. В сборник...

Гумилев Л.

Древние тюрки: кн.1

Закономерности возникновения, развития и гибели державы древних тюрков. Ее политика и жизнь, быт, религия и культура. Географическое распространение кочевников Срединной Азии на рубеже двух эпох - древности и средневековья. В кн.1: Забытая...

Keith Ward

Designing World Class Corporate Strategies : Value Creating Roles for Corporate Centres

Book Description Designing World Class Corporate Strategies considers the key role of corporate centres within very large, primarily multi-business organisations. At present, these corporate centres are under attack as not creating and value...

William Thomason

Make Money Work For You—Instead of You Working for It: Lessons from a Portfolio Manager

An invaluable primer to the world of investing Money Lessons from a Money Manager speaks directly to the individual who wants to manage their own investment portfolio just like a professional portfolio manager would. Written...

Thomas F. DeFrantz

Dancing Revelations: Alvin Ailey's Embodiment of African American Culture

Book DescriptionIn the early 1960s, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater was a small, multi-racial company of dancers that performed the works of its founding choreographer and other emerging artists. By the late 1960s, the company had become a...

Paul Williamson

Medieval and Renaissance Stained Glass in the Victoria and Albert Museum

Book DescriptionThis long-overdue volume showcases the Victoria and Albert Museum's outstanding holdings of stained and painted glass-a peerless collection ranging in date from c. 1140 to 1540. The works include important examples from England,...

Brooks A Horsley

Through a Glass Darkly

Book DescriptionIn 4562, Christian Brandon, a successful 35 year old physician, leaves his comfortable home and with his ten year old daughter, Gwen, emigrates to distant Kerry, the only planet on record to have destroyed itself with a...

Джозеф Мэрфи

Живи с надеждой в сердце

Опираясь на собственное философское переосмысление событий, о которых повествует Книга Иова (одна из слагающих Ветхий Завет), автор провозглашает, что невзгоды, болезни, иные тяжелые обстоятельства, с которыми приходится сталкиваться в жизни,...

Mark O'Shea


Book DescriptionWith over 150 superb action shots and artworks of lizards, children will not fail to be hooked on learning more about these fascinating creatures....

John Baxter

A Pound of Paper : Confessions of a Book Addict

Book Description In the rural Australia of the fifties where John Baxter grew up, reading books was disregarded with suspicion, owning and collecting them with utter incomprehension. Despite this, by the age of eleven Baxter had 'collected' his...

Eva Tulene Watt

Don't Let the Sun Step over You: A White Mountain Apache Family Life (1860-1976)

Book DescriptionBorn in 1913, Eva Tulene Watt shares the story of her family from the time of the Apache wars to the modern era. Her interpretation of her people's past is a diverse assemblage of recounted events, biographical sketches, and cultural...

<<<  Nick Lamanna, Donald Fisher. MCSA Managing a Windows 2000 ...             Антология бардовской песни. По выражению Булата Окуджавы, ... >>>

Mediterranean. 30th - 40th Parallel. Если вы когда-нибудь Uresh Vahalia. UNIX Internals: The New Basil Mahon. The Man Who Changed Everything : The Life of James Clerk Maxwell Wilber W. Caldwell. Searching for the Dixie Barbecue: Marc Hoffman. Active Directory By the Numbers: Windows Server 2003 Статистика Ronni Eisenberg, Kate Kelly. Organize Your Life: Free Yourself from Лист Уильям Шекспир. Уильям Шекспир. Сонеты и поэмы Все о Линукс КМ ДМОЗ Русско-корейский словарь. Словарь содержит около 4 Работа Katarina Juselius. The Cointegrated VAR Model: Methodology and А. Н. Гуев. Постатейный комментарий к части первой Гражданского Почта Счетчик Kathryn Petras, George Ross, Ross Petras, George Petras. Николай Полещук. AutoCAD 2008 Рейтинг Steven Taylor. False Prophet: Fieldnotes from the Punk Underground (Music
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