Александрова И.

Прости. Я отворила дверь...

Новеллы и повести о сочувствии к людям, о простом человеческом правиле: что бы ни делал, надо всегда помнить о других, о том, как твои действия, поступки и даже мысли отзовутся на чужой судьбе. Автор со страстью защищает «маленького человека», не...

Michael Levine

Charming Your Way to the Top : Hollywood's Premier P.R. Executive Shows You How to Get Ahead

Book Description Learn how to succeed by turning on the charm. ...

Terry Harris

How to Get an Acting Job Outside of New York and Hollywood

Book DescriptionHow to Get an Acting Job outside of New York and Hollywood is a non-fiction book helping actors and print models find work outside of the traditional markets of New York and Hollywood. This book provides valuable interviews with...

Stacy I. Morgan

Rethinking Social Realism: African American Art and Literature, 1930-1953

Book DescriptionThe social realist movement, with its focus on proletarian themes and its strong ties to New Deal programs and leftist politics, has long been considered a Depression-era phenomenon that ended with the start of World War II. This...

Alf Yarwood

Introduction to AutoCAD 2005, First Edition : 2D and 3D Design

Book DescriptionTaking the reader step by step through the features of AutoCAD 2005, Alf Yarwood provides a practical, structured course of work matched to the latest release of this software. After introducing first principles and the creation of...

ICON Health Pub.

The Official Patient's Sourcebook On Transient Ischemic Attack: Directory For The Internet Age

Book DescriptionThis is a "must have" reference book for patients, parents, caregivers, and libraries with medical collections. This sourcebook is organized into three parts. Part I explores basic techniques to researching transient ischemic attack...

Cecil Aldin

Puppy Dogs' Tales

Book DescriptionThis collection of four stories from Britain's most celebrated dog illustrator, Cecil Aldin, showcases the cheeky canine scamps always on the hunt for stray food and adventure. As an illustrator, Aldin was unsurpassed in depicting...

Mark Coleman

Playback: From the victrola to MP3, 100 Years of Music, Machines, and Money

Book DescriptionThe narrative history of playback technology, from the Victrola to MP3: how the technology shapes the music, how the music changes the technology, and how technology drives the business. Suddenly, popular music resembles an alien...

Cheryl A. Cage

Checklist for Success : A Pilot's Guide to the Successful Airline Interview (Professional Aviation series)

Book Description In response to the growing airline practice of hiring individuals with highly developed management, communication, and team player skills in addition to technical knowledge, this workbook covers the application, resume, and...

Stephen A. Smith

Contract Theory

This book is both an examination of, and a contribution to, our understanding of the theoretical foundations of the common law of contract. Focusing on contemporary debates in contract theory, Introduction to Contract Theory aims to help readers...

Леонид Зорин

Леонид Зорин. Проза (комплект из 2 книг)

Леонид Зорин - писатель всемирно прославленный, но если спросить нашего читателя, кто он такой, то ответом, скорее всего, будет недоуменное молчание. А стоит произнести названия трех его сочинений, и мы получим иной результат. Кто не...

<<<  Сьюзен и Рэй Фредреджилл. Кормление ребенка грудью             Антология бардовской песни. По выражению Булата Окуджавы, ... >>>

Статистика Steiner Ranger 8 x 56. Серия Ranger - профессиональные бинокли для охотников. Helen F. Gaines. Cryptanalysis МТС О компьютерах SIEPI. OPERA ARIAS. Исполнитель: SIEPI Альбом: OPERA Monty Roberts. Horse Sense for People Любовь Пузикова. Музыка дождя. Эстрадно-джазовые композиции В. И. Дубровский. Оздоровительный и лечебный массаж Kathleen E. Monahan. Balanced Measures for Strategic Лучшие в мире загадки. Сборник. Широкому кругу читателей Гого Ральф Р. Гринсон. Техника и практика психоанализа Апорт Эдвард Радзинский. Боги и люди В. И. Родичев. Теория тяготения в ортогональном репере А. С. Пушкин. А. С. Пушкин. Собрание сочинений в 10 томах. Е. Д. Оксюкевич. Legislators: English Reader Татьяна Голубева. Поблекший лазурит РБК МСН H. McKinley Conway. Pitfalls in Development
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