Naomi Klein

No Logo: No Space, No Choice, No Jobs

No Logo employs journalistic savvy and personal testament to detail the insidious practices and far-reaching effects of corporate marketing - and the powerful potential of a growing activist sect that will surely alter the course of the 21st...

Фазиль Искандер

Человек и его окрестности

В новой книге Фазиля Искандера собраны воедино новеллы, иногда веселые и смешные, иногда грустные и трагические, действие которых происходит в легко узнаваемом южном городе Мухусе. Они не связаны между собой сюжетно, а объединяет их мастерство...

Stephane Reverre

The Complete Arbitrage Deskbook

The Complete Arbitrage Deskbook explains every aspect of the types, instruments, trading practices, and opportunities of modern equity arbitrage. It travels beyond U.S. borders to examine the worldwide opportunities inherent in arbitrage activities...

Gary Waller

Edmund Spenser: A Literary Life (Literary Lives)

Gary Waller surveys Spenser's career in terms of the material conditions of its production - the often overlooked material factors of race, gender, class, agency - and the resonant 'places' which influenced his career - court, church, nation,...

Robert Hauptman, Peter Hernon

Ethics and Librarianship

Over the last few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of papers and journal articles dealing with various ethical issues in librarianship, but only a few books. Information workers find themselves rendering new services and...

Peter Block

Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used

The second edition of the "consultant's bible" is here! For over fifteen years, consultants--both internal and external--have relied on Peter Block's landmark bestseller, Flawless Consulting , to learn how to deal effectively with...

Jamie S. Walters

Big Vision, Small Business: Four Keys to Success Without Growing Big

While most of the business world glorifies growth, Big Vision, Small Business celebrates the art ? and power ? of thinking small. Based on more than 70 interviews with small-business owners and on the author?s own experience as a...

Marat Terterov, Hedman Osborne Clarke

Doing Business With Estonia (Global Market Briefings Series)

* An invaluable guide to business practice and trading opportunities in Estonia. * Includes contributions from prestigious international editorial partners from the accounting, banking and legal worlds (Deloitte & Touche, KPMG) and Enterprise...

Tom Bethell

The Noblest Triumph: Property and Prosperity Through the Ages

In The Noblest Triumph, Tom Bethell looks at the history of property rights and shows that the key role played by the institution of private property has been misunderstood by Western elites for more than a century. Beginning with the...

Harry M. Venedikian, Gerald A. Warfield, Harry M. Venedikian, Gerald A. Warfield

Global Trade Financing

"Current trends toward financial deregulation in the United States and massive increases in the need for trade-related credit and financing worldwide have created export-import markets of unprecedented depth and complexity."-from Global Trade...

William Mendenhall, James E. Reinmuth, Robert J. Beaver

Statistics for Management and Economics (7th Edition)

Over 1,450 exercises based on real-life situations are included in this text to help students learn and master business statistics concepts. The exercise sets following text sections are divided into three types: conceptual, skill, and application....

<<<  Н. Е. Зимин. Анализ и диагностика финансового состояния предприятий. Учебное ...             Антология бардовской песни. По выражению Булата Окуджавы, ... >>>

Н. Угринович. Информатика. 7 класс Виртуальные открытки Мой мир Всемирный чемпионат по рукопашным боям без правил. Знаменитый Восьмиугольник. Иван Ильин. Иван Ильин. Собрание сочинений. Справедливость или равенство? Лечение ранений. Ленинград, 1939 год. Государственное издательство К. Бернс. Загадки восточной мудрости. От Заратустры JANET BAK. DECCA AND. Исполнитель: JANET
Дербент, Коломна, Тверь, Архангельск, Ковров, Дербент, Альметьевск, Пермь, Калининград, Владивосток, Новотроицк, Мурманск, Кемерово, Москва, Хабаровск, Смоленск, Краснодар, Киров, Липецк, Петрозаводск, Канск,
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