Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce IV. Designing Mechanisms and Systems : AAMAS 2002 Workshop on Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce, Bologna, Italy, July ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)

Book Description This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce, AMEC 2002, held in Bologna, Italy in July 2002 during the AAMAS 2002 conference. The 20...

Tony Midea

A Fool's Guide To Landlording

Book DescriptionYou have to be a cold hearted SOB to be a successful landlord. Find out what happens to a naive, kind hearted couple that entered this shark den with all the right intentions, only to be bloodied and battered by manipulative,...

Staged Properties in Early Modern English Drama

Book DescriptionThis collection of essays explores the economic and dramatic implications of stage properties in early modern English drama. Written by a team of distinguished scholars, the essays explore the forms of production, circulation and...

Mel Gussow

Michael Gambon - A Life in Acting

This is the first book devoted to the actor who has created a judicious blend of high-definition performances on the British stage and a wide range of award-winning television and film roles. New York Times writer Mel Gussow interviewed Gambon on...

Charles de Lint

Dreams Underfoot: The Newford Collection

Welcome to Newford. . . . Welcome to the music clubs, the waterfront, the alleyways where ancient myths and magic spill into the modern world. Come meet Jilly, painting wonders in the rough city streets; and Geordie, playing...

Pete Carril

The Smart Take from the Strong: The Basketball Philosophy of Pete Carril

Amazon.comThe class and success of Princeton University's basketball program can be traced to two words: Pete Carril. Carril coached the perennial Ivy League powerhouse for 29 seasons before his 1996 retirement, and his hardwood hard line couldn't...

Tory Taber

Rufus at Work

Book Description People don’t appreciate how hard it is to be a cat. Rufus is a fat, lazy cat. At least that’s what his owner Posy tells him. But Posy simply doesn’t appreciate how hard Rufus really works. Guarding the...

Robert Franklin Gish

West Bound : Stories of Providence

Book DescriptionA series of related stories about the westward migration of one American family and the shifting fortunes of their lives and others in later years....

Benjamin Zachariah

Nehru (Routledge Historical Biographies)

Book DescriptionBenjamin Zachariah discusses the central issues of the Nehruvian period, such as foreign policy, non-alignment and the Cold War, the Indian nationalist movement and Independence, the Kashmir problem, economic pressures, and Nehru's...

Ophelia Field

Sarah Churchill: Duchess of Marlborough: The Queen's Favourite

Book Description A brilliant new biographer presents an unforgettable portrait of Sarah Churchill, first Duchess of Marlborough (1660-1744), the glamorous and controversial founder of the Spencer-Churchill dynasty that produced both Winston...

Всеволод Иванов

Всеволод Иванов. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах. Том 4

В основу романа "Похождения факира" легли впечатления писателя о днях отрочества и юности. По словам самого Всеволода Иванова, ему хотелось "изобразить жизнь юноши начала XX века с его страданиями, радостями и надеждами в обстановке провинциального...

<<<  Kat Koppett. Training to Imagine: Practical Improvisational ...             Антология бардовской песни. По выражению Булата Окуджавы, ... >>>

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