Технология делового общения

В пособии описываются сложные проблемы выбора стратегий общения в доступной форме. Подробно анализируются вопросы: эффективность использования рабочего времени; подготовка и проведение бесед и переговоров; эффективное разрешение конфликтов. На...

Легг и Марк Кумбс

Audi 100 & А6. Ремонт и техническое обслуживание

В этом руководстве: - Текущее обслуживание - простые и ежедневные проверки; - Техническое обслуживание - полное пошаговое руководство; - Поиск неисправностей - простое решение специфических проблем; - Дорожные неисправности - что...

Bill S Wolfkiel, Bill, S. Wolfkiel

Living & dying with your IRA and other retirement plans: Estate planning for people with large retirement plans (after the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997)

Living & Dying With Your IRA and Other Retirement Plans is specifically written for IRA participants with account balances of over $750,000 and large estate holders with additional assets. This book outlines current lifetime distribution...

James W. Cortada

The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail Industries

This book describes how computers were used in 16 American industries over the past half century to determine what were the critical uses, how technologies came into these industries, and how they were changed by it. This book asserts that computing...

Charles P. Kindleberger

Economic Laws and Economic History (Raffaele Mattioli Lectures)

This book is essentially an exercise in methodology, addressed to economists and economic historians alike. Too many economists discover a relationship or a uniformity in economic behavior, develop a model, and use it to explain more than it is...

Mark Bunting, Mark Seal

Virtual Power: Using Your PC to Realize the Life of Your Dreams

Do you want to * Set up an at-home business? * Communicate with others who have already done so? * Learn more about math, science, and history? * Meet people who have the same hobbies as you? * Find out about just about...

Strategies for Cultural Change

Paul Bate makes sense of a huge range of issues which must be considered in the struggle for change. He has developed a framework that will help students, researchers and practitioners alike to focus on a variety of conceptual and practical matters...

Faye J. Crosby

Affirmative Action is Dead; Long Live Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is a much-debated policy, in employment as well as in education, in the Supreme Court as well as on the street. Yet as this book shows, affirmative action is both sensible and effective, differing little from many other government...

Stephen Bocking, Rutgers University Press

Nature's Experts: Science, Politics, and the Environment

It seems self-evident that science plays a central role in environmental affairs. Regulatory agencies, businesses, and public interest groups all draw on scientific research to support their claims. However, some critics describe science not as the...

Frank J. Fabozzi, Robert Paul Molay, Frank J. Fabozzi

Subprime Consumer Lending

The subprime lending market is growing rapidly due to the use of securitization and the attempts of lending institutions to boost their client pool. This book gives readers a working, up-to-date knowledge of subprime consumer lending. It provides a...

Glenn Yago, Susanne Trimbath

Beyond Junk Bonds: Expanding High Yield Markets

This new perspective recalling the ten years after the explosion of financial myths in the 1980's offers a unique opportunity to update and continue the arguments that were presented in Glen Yago's 1991 book, Junk Bonds: How High Yield Securities...

<<<  Фридрих Незнанский. Направленный взрыв             А. Каганович. Медный всадник. История создания монумента >>>

Каталог софта Корбина Andrea De Carlo. Mas alla del viento / Beyond the Wind Эдвард Радзинский. Александр II John Bates Clark. Capital and Its Earnings А. С. Грибоедов. Горе от ума (аудиокнига MP3) Почта.ру Аркадий Стругацкий, Борис Стругацкий. Отягощенные Работа Milada Vilimkova. Altagyptische Gold schmiedekunst М. Ю. Снежинская. Зри в корень Протекторы Ultra-Pro "Финальная битва". Вашему С. Н. Булгаков, А. И. Виноградов, В. В. Леонтьев.
Иркутск, Чебоксары, Канск, Энгельс, Белгород, Калуга, Братск, Назрань, Киселёвск, Курск, Самара, Октябрьский, Майкоп, Ростов-на-Дону, Дербент, Саранск,
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