Angeles Arrien, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev

Working Together: Producing Synergy by Honoring Diversity

Working Together looks at the issue of diversity as an adventure to be utilized, not a problem to be solved. With 18 chapters on the creative results and synergetic applications of diversity, it is a practical guide to both theory and application....

Stuart Gordon White, Stuart White

The Civic Minimum: On the Rights and Obligations of Economic Citizenship (Oxford Political Theory)

Many governments today are engaged in far-reaching programs of 'welfare reform'. But what would a just program of welfare reform consist in? Is the current emphasis on linking welfare 'rights' to 'responsibilities' justifiable? In this book,...

Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka

Population Economics

From Malthus to Becker, the economic approach to population growth and its interactions with the surrounding economic environment has undergone a major transformation. Population Economics elucidates the theory behind this shift and the ...

Gay L. Gullickson

The Spinners and Weavers of Auffay: Rural Industry and the Sexual Division of Labor in a French Village

The cottage industry of France enjoyed enormous growth from the mid-eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century. Through an intensive analysis of the social and economic impact of the expansion of this female-dominated industry, Gay Gullickson broadens...

Kenneth E Goodpaster, Laura L Nash

Policies and Persons: A Casebook in Business Ethics

This comprehensive collection presents a case-method approach to teaching business ethics, making it ideal for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in both philosophy and business departments. It contains a wide range of individual,...

Mark Fischetti, Bill Cooke, Howard Muson

Building Strong Family Teams

Building Strong Family Teams is the complete resource for creating and sustaining effective sibling, cousin, husband-wife, and executive and employee teams. Published by the editors of Family Business magazine, the only magazine written...

Peggy Anderson, Michael McKee

Great Quotes from Great Leaders

From George Washington to Martin Luther King, JR., to Margaret Thatcher, Great Quotes from Great Leaders offers the insights and wisdom of the world's most inspirational and dynamic leaders. You will not only be uplifted by the quotes and intrigued...

Pietro S. Nivola

Comparative Disadvantages?: Social Regulations and the Global Economy

The American economy is in many ways uniquely unfettered. Nowhere else in the industrial world is it easier to set up a discount store, start a new airline, or shrink a payroll. But extensive economic deregulation has been matched by a burgeoning...

Dominick Salvatore

Managerial Economics in a Global Economy With Infotrac

This text exhibits four unique features: 1) it uses the theory of the firm as the unifying theme to examine the managerial decision process; 2) it fully introduces a global view into managerial economics to reflect the internationalization of...

Anil Markandya, Renat Perelet, Pamela Mason, Tim Taylor

Dictionary of Environmental Economics

This is the first comprehensive dictionary of environmental economics, compiled by leading academics in the field. Each expression or phrase is explained clearly in non-technical language, with references given to its use in the growing literature...

Jon C. Piot, John Baschab

The Executive's Guide to Information Technology

What Every Senior Manager and Consultant Should Know About Managing Effective IT Departments "This book sheds light on one of the most challenging topics for corporate officers ?how to create and manage a high-performance IT department...

<<<  Татьяна Геронимус. Уроки технологии в 1 классе. Методическое пособие к учебному ...             А. Каганович. Медный всадник. История создания монумента >>>

Вести Анатолий Некрасов. Построение пространства Митьки. Праздник русской авиации. Праздник русской авиации; Беседка в городе Житие Преподобного Сергия. Для настоящего Почта Яхо CDR Associates. Conflict Resolution for Managers and Leaders, Neurosurgical Re-engineering of the Damaged Мишель де Монтень. Опыты Орлова Л.. Стерва в интернете Roy Ladner, Kevin Shaw, Mahdi Abdelguerfi. Mining Spatio-Temporal Information Eric L. Boyd, Eytan Bernstein, Evan Jamieson. Dragons of Faerun Рефераты John J. Murphy. The Visual Investor: How to Spot Market Trends Счетчик Конференция Preston McClear. Frannie And Pickles: Frannie And Pickles
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