Рой Медведев

Юрий Андропов: неизвестное об известном

Короткое правление Андропова наглядно показало, что в нашем обществе имелось не только стремление к демократии, к защите прав и свобод человека, получившее отражение в движении диссидентов, с которым и Брежнев, и Андропов вели постоянную борьбу. В...

Дмитрий Вересов

Аслан и Людмила

1915 год. Между Людмилой, девушкой из русского дворянского рода, и чеченцем Асланом вспыхнула ослепляющая страсть. Но разве могут быть счастливы вместе люди из таких разных миров? Им предстоит выяснить это на своем опыте... Наше время. Любовь и...

Jody Blazek

990 Handbook: A Line-by-Line Approach

Hands-on guidance to help nonprofits through the tax filing maze Forms 990 provide a wealth of financial and programmatic information to enable government regulators, funders, journalists, and the interested public to measure a...

W. Kip Viscusi, John M. Vernon, Joseph E., Jr. Harrington

Economics of Regulation and Antitrust - 3rd Edition

Departing from the traditional emphasis on institutions, this text emphasizes the use of economic theory and empirical analysis to understand regulatory and antitrust policies. Questions addressed include: What are the market failure rationales for,...

A. F. Robertson, A.F. Robertson

The Big Catch: A Practical Introduction to Development

This interactive, role-playing case book is an enormously rich and stimulating way of challenging students to think about the problems of development and how development experts go about trying to alleviate them. One of the most innovative and...

Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses, Moshe Y. Vardi

Reasoning About Knowledge

Reasoning about knowledge -- particularly the knowledge of agents who reason about the world and each other's knowledge -- was once the exclusive province of philosophers and puzzle solvers. More recently, this type of reasoning has been shown to...

Jerry Wind, Vijay Mahajan

Digital Marketing : Global Strategies from the World's Leading Experts

THE WORD IS OUT ABOUT DIGITAL MARKETING "This is the first comprehensive treatment of an increasingly important subject." —Peter Drucker, Honorary Chairman, Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management and Clarke Professor of...

Elizabeth Vallance

Business Ethics at Work

A clear and accessible introduction to business ethics for students of business and management, this book is a practical guide to a subject directly relevant to business conduct today. It offers a decision model to help in the making of ethical...

Paul C. Tinnirello

New Directions in Project Management

Organizations that rely on computing technology for survival understand the critical importance of managing projects that meet strategic goals and objectives. The diversity of business globalization and electronic commerce combined with the...

Howard Eisner

Reengineering Yourself and Your Company: From Engineer to Manager to Leader (Artech House Technology Management and Professional Developm)

Deal effectively with changes in markets and personnel, growth of your enterprise, team management, and integration using this dynamic book. Focusing on unique challenges that are sure to impact high-tech companies in the 21st century, this book...

Robert O. Keohane, Marc A. Levy

Institutions for Environmental Aid: Pitfalls and Promise (Global Environmental Accord: Strategies for Sustainability and Institutional Innovation)

The discrepancy between levels of environmental quality of rich and poor countries will continue as long as large per capita gaps in income persist. Institutions for Environmental Aid draws on research from economics, international relations,...

<<<  Г. Науменко. Черный череп             А. Каганович. Медный всадник. История создания монумента >>>

Brian Czech. Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train: Errant Программы Рамблер Статистика Bernice W. Kliman. Macbeth : Second Edition Газета.ру Лууле Виилма. Исток жизни QIP.ру М. И. Пыляев. Энциклопедия царской Москвы И. В. Синько, Л. Ф. Никулин. Менеджмент-ХХI. Введение к основам общей Маша Королева. Жизнь на каблуках, или Во всем виноват О компьютерах Поиск мета U.D.O. Solid. Представляем вашему вниманию альбом 1997-года
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