Т. Ф. Саваренская

Западноевропейское градостроительство XVII - XIX веков

В первом в советской науке обобщающем исследовании анализируются закономерности развития градостроительного мышления в Англии, Франции, Италии и Австрии. Рассказывается об усложнении теоретических проблем в связи с решением...

Иан Грэхем

Объектно-ориентированные методы. Принципы и практика

Новое издание этой весьма популярной книги было полностью переработано автором с целью отразить все те значительные изменения, которые произошли в объектно-ориентированной методологии с момента выхода предыдущего, второго издания (1991 г.). В...

Olivia Remie Constable

Trade and Traders in Muslim Spain: The Commercial Realignment of the Iberian Peninsula, 900-1500 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought - Fourth Series , No 24)

This volume surveys Iberian international trade from the tenth to the fifteenth century, with particular emphasis on commerce in the Muslim period and on changes brought by Christian conquest of much of Muslim Spain in the thirteenth century. From...

Victor K. McElheny

Insisting On the Impossible : The Life of Edwin Land

"Fascinating revelations....Well worth reading for its insights into the process of innovation." -Business Week In this masterful biography of the Magellan of modern technology, Victor McElheny portrays a great inventor and entrepreneur in...

Catherine Jazdzewski

Helena Rubinstein

She pioneered modern cosmetology and built up an entire industry within the space of a few years by marketing formulas that changed women's lives. Her sense of perfection and tireless research are the reasons for one of the most successful cosmetics...

Fidel Castro

Capitalism in Crisis: Globalization and World Politics Today

Fidel Castro adds his voice to the growing international chorus against neoliberalism and the globalization of the world economy. "Library shelves are full of books touting the wonders of globalization: perhaps there should also be room for a...

Jeff Schmidt

Disciplined Minds: A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-Battering System That Shapes Their Lives

This book details the battle one must fight to be an independent thinker in today's corporate society....

Wilson Learning Corporation

Dos and Don'ts in Switzerland: The Traveler's Guide to Culture

The Wilson Learning wonderworks series of culture guides provides travelers with practical and accessible information about important social protocols and business practices for some of the most popular travel destinations. Topics covered include...

Blythe Camenson

Real People Working in Building and Construction (On the Job Series)

On The Job Series (Real People Working in…) Dozens of firsthand interviews with real-world practitioners are combined with the latest statistics on the hottest career areas. The result is a reader-friendly series that's ideal for those who...

Robert F. Engle

Arch: Selected Readings (Advanced Texts in Econometrics)

In the early 1980s, R. F. Engle pioneered the econometric technique of Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH), which has subsequently generated a very considerable literature. This collection brings together readings on ARCH models,...

Kathryn Ziewitz, June Wiaz

Green Empire: The St. Joe Company and the Remaking of Florida's Panhandle

A bold corporate and environmental history, Green Empire examines the intersection of one of the most ambitious players in Florida's real estate market with the state's last frontier--the quiet natural spaces of the Panhandle. Since the Great...

<<<  Жюль Верн. Пятнадцатилетний капитан             А. Каганович. Медный всадник. История создания монумента >>>

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