Евгений Федоров

Ермак. В двух томах. Том 1

Издание 1955 года. Сохранность очень хорошая. В первый том вошли с первой по четвертую части романа известного русского писателя Е. Федорова "Ермак"....

О. И. Крупенчук

Учим буквы. Для детей 5-6 лет. Пособие для детей, родителей и воспитателей

Книга предназначена для занятий с детьми-дошкольниками 5-6 лет. Рекомендуется родителям и воспитателям детских дошкольных учреждений....

Sam Walton

Sam Walton: Made In America

Meet a genuine American folk hero cut from the homespun cloth of America's heartland: Sam Walton, who parlayed a single dime store in a hardscrabble cotton town into Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world. The undisputed merchant king of the...

История военного искусства

В учебнике освещаются основные этапы развития военного искусства с древнейших времен и до наших дней. Особое внимание уделяется советскому военному искусству в годы Великой Отечественной войны. ...

Paulina Beato, Jean-Jacques Laffont

Competition Policy in Regulated Industries: Approaches for Emerging Economies

During the last decade, Latin American countries have reformed infrastructure services through private sector participation to enhance internal efficiency and competition to increase consumer welfare. Competition Policy in Regulated Industries ...

Mark Casson, Andrew Godley, Seep-Conference on Economic Ethics and Philosophy 1998 Marienrode Mon

Cultural Factors in Economic Growth (Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy)

The "culture" debate in economics and economic history has been long-lasting. This volume incorporates contributions of scholars from economics, management studies and international relations, as well as economic and social historians' attempts to...

Alfred P. Montero

Shifting States in Global Markets: Subnational Industrial Policy in Contemporary Brazil and Spain

"A theoretically ambitious, empirically rich study of regional economic policy in Brazil and Spain. Using case studies based on extensive field research, Alfred Montero demonstrates how political factors such as elite competition can affect economic...

David I. Rosenbaum

Market Dominance

Economic theorizing suggests that firms can acquire and maintain market dominance in a number of ways. Some economists argue that firms attain dominance only by being relatively more efficient than their rivals and retain leadership only by staying...

John C. Maxwell

There's No Such Thing As "Business" Ethics: There's Only One Rule For Making Decisions

Bestselling author and expert on leadership John C. Maxwell shares the only rule that matters--in business and in life.How does a person judge what is ethical? Sometimes it's clear. In the past year or two, ethical lapses in corporate America have...

Sarah Gerdes

Navigating the Partnership Maze: Creating Alliances That Work

A road map to building successful partnerships between companies of all sizes In Navigating the Partnership Maze , Sarah Gerdes explains AllianceMapping and shows how firms of any size can use it to research, plan, and build...

Will McClatchy, Indexfunds.com

Strategies for Investment Success: Index Funds

What?s the difference between the S&P 500 and Wilshire 5000 Indexes? How can you invest in these and other indexes? If you’re like most investors, you?ve probably heard of index funds, but don?t know too much about...

<<<  Дредноуты. Книга "Дредноуты" о самых больших военных кораблях, о событиях ...             А. Каганович. Медный всадник. История создания монумента >>>

Топ майл.ру Одноклассники А. Зубов, М. Шахов. Компьютер. Widows. Программы (+ CD-ROM) Naguib Mahfouz, Raymond Stock. The Seventh Heaven: Supernatural В. К. Половняк, О. В. Михайлов, А. М. Кузнецов. Виртуальные открытки Казаки. Золотая коллекция. Впервые на одном диске: Почта Собаки от А до Я: Йорки. Йоркширский терьер Ливе Апорт
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