David Jerner Martin

Constructing Early Childhood Science

"Constructing Early Childhood Science" focuses on teaching children how to actively engage in the scientific process, rather than learn about it passively. Each chapter begins with at least one hands-on activity, designed to help young science...

Fiona Venn

The New Deal

This textbook offers a chronological introduction to the New Deal that incorporates material on events and developments outside in addition to within Washington DC as well as popular reaction to the new policies. Reference is made to President...

William R. Jordan

The Sunflower Forest: Ecological Restoration and the New Communion with Nature

Ecological restoration, the attempt to guide damaged ecosystems back to a previous, usually healthier or more natural, condition, is rapidly gaining recognition as one of the most promising approaches to conservation. In this book, William R. Jordan...

Tan Chwee Huat

Financial Markets and Institutions in Singapore: Tenth Edition

This book discusses the operations of various types of financial institutions operating in Singapore. These include the full-license, restricted-license and offshore banks, merchant banks, money broking firms, finance companies, insurance and...

Elroy Dimson, Paul Marsh, Mike Staunton

Triumph of the Optimists: 101 Years of Global Investment Returns

Investors have too often extrapolated from recent experience. In the 1950s, who but the most rampant optimist would have dreamt that over the next fifty years the real return on equities would be 9% per year? Yet this is what happened in the U.S....

Simon French, Operational Research Society

Readings in Decision Analysis

Provides an introduction to decision analysis. This book is based upon a number of papers and articles taken from the Operational Research Society's journal and other publications. However, the book is not simply a 'collection of reprints':...

Herschell Gordon Lewis

Effective E-Mail Marketing: The Complete Guide to Creating Successful Campaigns

E-mail is today's most powerful marketing medium. It is also the most misunderstood. This dynamic book dispenses with incomprehensible theories and conflicting rules to explore real-life examples of e-mail campaign successes and failures --...

Frederick E. Balderston

Managing Today's University : Strategies for Viability, Change, and Excellence (The Jossey Bass Higher and Adult Education Series)

"An important addition to the library of anyone concerned with or interested in the role of the university in today's society. Those of us who have devoted our life's work to improving the delivery of educational programs and services to students...

Н. Б. Грищенко

Основы страховой деятельности. Учебное пособие

Раскрываются экономическая сущность страхования, риск как основа возникновения страховых отношений, организация страховой деятельности и ее нормативно-правовая база, принципы личного и имущественного страхования, страхования ответственности, а также...

James Roberge, Stefan Brandle, David Whittington

A Laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures

A Laboratory Course in C++ Data Structures, Second Edition exemplifies the active learning experience. With a dynamic learn-by-doing focus, this laboratory manual encourages students to explore data structures by implementing them, a process...

Shelley O'Hara

Sams Teach Yourself PCs in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself)

Sams Teach Yourself PCs in 10 Minutes is a tutorial-based book, organized into a series of easy-to-follow, 10-minute lessons. These well-targeted lessons teach you in 10 minutes what some books take several hours or days to teach. You'll learn how...

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