Т. В. Куликова

Manager und sein Unternehmen: Intensivkurs Deutsch fur russische Manager. Teil 2 / Менеджер и его предприятие. Курс немецкого языка для ускоренного обучения российских менеджеров. Часть 2

Учебник является курсом ускоренного обучения немецкому языку с акцентом на деловой аспект и политику контрактации как одну из составляющих маркетинга. Учебник предназначен для российских менеджеров, готовящихся в рамках повышения...

А. Я. Хинчин

Асимптотические законы теории вероятностей

Предлагаемая читателю книга, написанная выдающимся отечественным математиком А.Я.Хинчиным (1894-1959), содержит описание методов так называемой "асимптотической" теории вероятностей. Автор исследует "предельные теоремы" теории вероятностей, которые,...

Юрий Зайцев

В поисках утраченного Грааля

Последняя осень. Мир сдвинулся. Король Артур начинает сдавать. Мерлин плетет интриги, угнетает гномов и спекулирует магическими амулетами. Бравый вояка Ланселот пьянствует и "подбивает клинья" к королеве. От греха подальше король с колдуном...

Harald Gruber

The Economics of Mobile Telecommunications

Book DescriptionComprehensive economic analysis of the main determinants of growth in the mobile telecommunications industry....

Kenneth C. Wenzer

Land As an Economic Factor and Its Biblical Origins

Book DescriptionOur homage to freedom is a mockery, for the blinding glare of riches and power have made of democracy an illusion. The consequence is life without social and economic justice and a false viewA?we are chained to monetary...

Institute of Management and Administrati

Cost Reduction and Control Best Practices : The Best Ways for a Financial Manager to Save Money (Wiley Best Practices)

Book DescriptionCost Reduction and Control Best Practices provides financial manages with no-nonsense, balanced, and practical strategies that are being targeted and used nationwide for controlling costs by thousands of companies in areas such as...

Haim Shore

Response Modeling Methodology: Empirical Modeling for Engineering and Science

This book introduces a new approach, denoted RMM, for an empirical modeling of a response variation, relating to both systematic variation and random variation. In the book, the developer of RMM discusses the required properties of empirical...

Gross & Association

How to Save Warehouse Space: 153 Tested Techniques

Book DescriptionWhen you run out of space in your warehouse, the choices are clear. You can add new space or you can create more space in your current facility. The most practical, low-cost option is to find and use the hidden space in your...

Yorke Rowan

Marketing Heritage: Archaeology and the Consumption of the Past : Archaeology and the Consumption of the Past

Book DescriptionWithin this edited volume, original case studies from well-known sites throughout the world are presented to address the complex interaction between archaeology and nationalist, political, and commercial policies. This book should...

Lynette Allen

Behind with the Mortgage and Living Off Plastic: Charge Up Your Life, Not Your Credit Card

Book DescriptionThis sequel to the very successful "Behind with the Laundry and Living off Chocolate," Lynette Allen's newest book addresses the fact that for women the underlying causes of financial problems very often has nothing to do with money...

The Imagery of Chess Revisited

Book Description The Imagery of Chess Revisited recovers a celebrated and extraordinary moment in art history: the 1944-45 exhibition The Imagery of Chess , held at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York City. The exhibit was a legend in...

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Информатика. Практикум по технологии работы на компьютере. Компьютерные новости Топ майл.ру Мария Семенова, Андрей Константинов. Меч мертвых О компьютерах Поиск людей Richard A. Colignon. Amakudari: The Hidden Fabric of Василий В. Катанян. Лиля Брик. Жизнь Хулио Кортасар. Игра в классики Reforming Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations And The Павел Родькин. Футуризм и современное визуальное МТС
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