John J. Heldt

Quality Sampling and Reliability: New Uses for the Poisson Distribution

As a mathematical model for determining the probable number of outcomes, the new Poisson Distribution tables have long been an easier tool to use for reliability analyses. Longtime quality professional, inventor, and consultant John J. Heldt now...

Janet Wickell

Everything Real Estate Investing Book: How to get started and make the most of your money (Everything: Business and Personal Finance)

Real estate investing continues to be the fastest-growing investment strategy in America. The Everything( Real Estate Investing Book is your all-in-one guide to learning how to buy and sell residential and commercial properties in a...

Mark Gurry

Oracle SQL Tuning Pocket Reference

One of the most important challenges faced by Oracle database administrators and Oracle developers is the need to tune SQL statements so that they execute efficiently. In this book, Mark Gurry shares his in-depth knowledge of Oracle's SQL...

Barbara Elliott

Measuring Performance: Early Childhood Educator in Practice

PERFECT FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS AND PROFESSIONALS! As used in a pilot study by early childhood educators and elementary school teachers, this resource is a must-read for all seeking professional improvement and quality enhancement in their...

David Trend

Welcome to Cyberschool

"Welcome to Cyberschool is a book about two highly charged and often emotional discussions in today's society. One concerns the optimism and promise surrounding information technologies of computers and the internet; the other involves the growing...

Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker

Business Modeling With UML: Business Patterns at Work

Following up on their bestselling book, UML Toolkit, Hans-Erik Eriksson and Magnus Penker now provide expert guidance on how to use UML to model your business systems. In this informative book, key business modeling concepts are presented,...

Lloyd D. Fosdick, Elizabeth R. Jessup, Carolyn J. C. Schauble, Gitta Domik

Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing (Scientific and Engineering Computation)

This text evolved from a new curriculum in scientific computing that was developed to teach undergraduate science and engineering majors how to use high-performance computing systems (supercomputers) in scientific and engineering applications. ...

Inc. KT Solutions, KT Solutions has focused on what it takes to create efficient, professional multimedia training t KT Solutions specializes in the development of interactive multimedia training products for computer applications. Over the past decade

Beginning Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (Microsoft Windows NT)

For those wishing to move up to the next level of Windows O/S. Upon completion of this course, you'll have a strong understanding of the basic features and functions of Windows NT 4.0....

K. I. Diamantaras, S. Y. Kung

Principal Component Neural Networks : Theory and Applications (Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control Series)

Systematically explores the relationship between principal component analysis (PCA) and neural networks. Provides a synergistic examination of the mathematical, algorithmic, application and architectural aspects of principal component neural...

Мэри Бэлоу

Немного женатый

Эйдан... Самый холодный и гордый из аристократического клана Бедвинов. Казалось бы, для него нет ничего важнее джентльменского долга. Но - что делать, если долг этот требует от сурового полковника исполнить обещание, данное умирающему на поле брани...

Патриция Райс

Под защитой любви

Кто защитит юную Фейт Moнтегю, которая, оставшись сиротой оказалась в безвыходном положении? Только красавец Морган де Лейси, по праву считавшийся самым благородным и самым смелым "джентльменом удачи". Однако… за защиту и помощь Моргам требует...

<<<  В. А. Слободчиков. Французский язык / Le Francais             К. Ахметов. Windows XP для бывалого бойца >>>

Мэйсон К.. Невинная грешница Билл Вагнер. Unix. Полное руководство Трансморферы. Эми Вебер ("Космический спецназ"), Элиза Свенсон ("Легенда С. Маковский. Силуэты русских художников Поиск мета В гостях у сказки №18. Дюймовочка (аудиокнига CD). Датский сказочник Ганс Транслит В мире науки, №7, 2006. Таинственные причины солнечных вспышек. Узелок завяжется, Charles R. Schwab. Charles Schwab's New Guide to Financial Михаил Барятинский. Советские танки в бою. От Т-26 до ИС-2 Nancy J. Eggert. Contemplative Leadership for Entrepreneurial Organizations Липот Сонди. Судьбоанализ Игорь Афонин. Здоровый позвоночник Philip G King, Philip King. International Economics Нигма Беседки, перголы, ротонды и другие малые архитектурные Набор подвесных украшений "Снежинки со звездами", дерево, Статистика S. Andrew Swann. Moreau Omnibus: Forests of the Night/Emperors
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