Stephen Chen

Strategic Management of e-Business

Strategic Management of e-Business focuses on the strategic implications of e-Business and examines the strategies being employed by firms in a range of different industry sectors. It has been written for students taking MBA, final year...

Donald F. Blumberg, Donald Blumberg

Managing High-Tech Services Using a CRM Strategy

As the service industry continues to grow more competitive and sophisticated, the need to develop a customer focused business strategy also continues to become more imperative. Managing High Tech Services Using a CRM Strategy explores how to manage...

Nirmalya Kumar

Marketing As Strategy: Understanding the CEO's Agenda for Driving Growth and Innovation

CEOs are more than frustrated by marketing's inability to deliver results. Has the profession lost its relevance? Nirmalya Kumar argues that, while the function of marketing has lost ground, the importance of marketing as a...

Susan Hart

Marketing Changes

Marketing Changes is a core text for students at undergraduate level and on specialised Marketing Masters degrees taking a Marketing Strategy course or another ?capstone? or ?honours? course in the subject. It brings the student...

Roy Newcomer

A Practical Guide to Inspecting Structure

Information for the inspector, investor, appraiser, home buyer, home owner and handyman regarding structure...

LauraMaery Gold, Joan M. Zielinski

Homeschool Your Child for Free: More Than 1,200 Smart, Effective, and Practical Resources for Home Education on the Internet and Beyond

For Families Who Want to Splurge on Education but Scrimp on Spending Are you considering homeschooling your child, but don't know where to go for the best educational resources? The Internet is an open door to the biggest...

Anthony Velte, Toby Velte

Cisco(R) : A Beginner's Guide, Third Edition (BEGINNER'S GUIDE (OSBORNE MCGRAW HILL))

This hands-on guide explains the most important fundamentals of Cisco-based technology and its implementation. For those interested in pursuing Cisco certification, this book will also serve as a solid introduction to the networking industry and...

David F. Rogers

An Introduction to NURBS: With Historical Perspective

The latest from a computer graphics pioneer, An Introduction to NURBS is the ideal resource for anyone seeking a theoretical and practical understanding of these very important curves and surfaces. Beginning with Bezier curves, the book...

J.A. Hitchcock

Net Crimes & Misdemeanors: Outmaneuvering the Spammers, Swindlers, and Stalkers Who Are Targeting You Online

As the number of Web users continues to swell, so do the numbers of online opportunists, con artists, miscreants, and psychopaths. Recognizing this danger, this book provides a reader-friendly guide that helps Web users identify, avoid, and survive...

Richard Glyn Jones


Ignore the brazen title of this book and you'll enjoy it more. Cybersex is a compilation of futuristic tales taking place in both outer space and cyberspace. Most of the stories feature computers programmed to perform sensual acts with...

R. Michael Hord

Parallel Supercomputing in MIMD Architectures

MIMD supercomputers, software, and issuesParallel Supercomputing in MIMD Architectures is devoted to supercomputing on a wide variety of Multiple-Instruction-Multiple-Data (MIMD)-class parallel machines. The book describes architectural concepts,...

<<<  В. Ф. Ляхович, С. О. Крамаров. Основы информатики             К. Ахметов. Windows XP для бывалого бойца >>>

Октоберфест: Пиво на бочку. Пивные реки, колбасные берега! Ежегодно Игрушка заводная "Мишка-лыжник". Дерево, пластмасса. Гого Работа Гогле Наш дом. Анатолий Папанов ("Инкогнито из Петербурга"), Бандитский Петербург 3. Крах Антибиотика (2 кассеты). Александр Aspatore Books. Inside the Minds: Buying a Franchise--Industry Семья. Домашние животные. Для детей 2-4 лет. Современные Немецкий без проблем (книга + 3 CD). Вы можете научиться говорить, Комодо против Кобры. Майкл Паре ("Воины"), Тед Монте ("Подводный капкан"), Г. Н. Геннади. Справочный словарь о русских писателях и ученых, умерших в XVIII-XIX Краткое изложение всех произведений школьной программы. Русская литература. HOMAGE TO BENNY GOODMAN. HOMAGE TO BENNY GOODMAN Поиск работы Кавад Раш. Время офицеров. Письма к русскому офицеру Д. Геберт, Л. фон Розенштиль. Организационная психология.
Питер, Улан-Удэ, Глазов, Химки, Иваново, Киселёвск, Тамбов, Рыбинск, Армавир, Златоуст, Ростов-на-Дону, Томск, Обнинск, Пермь, Новый Уренгой, Мурманск, Липецк, Уфа, Сургут,
Физика| Современный детектив| Теория машин и механизмов| Научная фантастика| Делопроизводство и секретарское дело.Офис-менеджмент.| Теоретические основы строительства| Английский| Квесты (Quest)| Общие работы по всемирной истории| Персоналия| Уголовное право| Хоккей| Полнометражные зарубежные мультфильмы| Отечественная история| Кантри| Технология строительно-монтажных работ| Товароведение| Остросюжетные сериалы| Ужасы| Экранизации современной прозы| Страшилки и ужастики| История| Детское творчество|
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