Bernard Haldane Associates, Bernard Haldane Associates

Haldane's Best Salary Tips for Professionals

Most people believe they are worth more than what's reflected in their current paycheck. While they may feel underpaid, few of them are prepared to do much about it, including talking about money with those who write their paycheck. When, for...

Cary L. Cooper

Theories of Organizational Stress

During the past two decades, the nature of work has changed dramatically, as more and more organizations downsize, outsource and move toward short-term contracts, part-time working and teleworking. The costs of stress in the workplace in most of the...

Shelly Field

Career Opportunities in Casinos and Casino Hotels: A Comprehensive Guide to Exciting Careers in Casinos and the Gaming Industry (Career Opportunities (Paperback))

Covering a wide variety of careers, from casino manager to entertainer, this book provides everything the reader needs to know to get started in the industry. Each of the 100 positions profiled includes a job description, necessary skills and...

David F. Hendry, Neil R. Ericsson

Understanding Economic Forecasts

Historically, the theory of forecasting that underpinned actual practice in economics has been based on two key assumptions?-that the model was a good representation of the economy and that the structure of the economy would remain relatively...

George Soros

Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism

The renowned financier reconsiders the state of the world economy, and the arguments he made in his New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller The Crisis of Global Capitalism . Lauded by the New York Times as...

Cornelia Neff

Corporate Finance, Innovation, and Strategic Competition

This book analyzes how corporate finance decisions influence strategic competition and innovation of firms in the product market. We consider bank loan financing and venture capital financing. Due to assymetric information, firms must sign special...

Gordian Gaeta, Shamez Alibhai, Justin Hingorani

Frontiers in Credit Risk: Concepts and Techniques for Applied Credit Risk Measurement

"This book provides in-depth analysis and strategic insight into the myriad credit issues facing Chief Risk Officers, Chief Credit Officers and Credit Risk staff at almost all financial institutions today. It offers valuable advice whether you are...

Robert Rehm, Nancy Cebula, Martin Large, Fran Ryan

Futures That Work: Using Search Conferences to Revitalize Companies, Communities and Organizations

A search conference is a participative event that enables people to create a plan for the most desirable future of their community or organization, a plan they carry out themselves. This book is a practical guide for using search conferences,...

Linda Coleman-Willis

A Complete Guide To Selling Books for the Self-Published Author

A Complete Guide To Selling Books is an invaluable reference guide for established and aspiring authors and publishers who want to sell more books. The "Complete Guide" provides a short cut for getting your book to buyers: from the marketing plan,...

Donald R. Stabile

Community Associations: The Emergence and Acceptance of a Quiet Innovation in Housing (Contributions in Economics and Economic History)

Throughout history human beings have formed communities spontaneously with residences constructed haphazardly. Today a new type of community is emerging--one planned from the start regarding housing location, style, and governance. These Community...

Matthew L. Helm, April Leigh Helm

Genealogy Online for Dummies

Researching our roots has become a top national pastime, and with the advent of the Internet, it’s also become much faster and easier than before. Rather than hop in the car and hope you can find the courthouse of the county where your...

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James Raven. London Booksellers and American Customers: RENIS, TONY. MADE IN ITALY. Исполнитель: RENIS, TONY Альбом: MADE IN Константин Волков. Марс пробуждается. Том 2 Rod Espinosa. Courageous Princess Masterpiece Edition Апорт Гороскопы Юкио Мисима. Жажда любви Яндекс
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