Тайная история человечества

За фасадом общепринятых теорий и представлений о возникновении жизни на Земле, устройстве нашего мира, механизмах влияния на важнейшие исторические события скрыто множество альтернативных точек зрения, игнорировать которые было бы неверно. ...

Caroline Taylor

Publishing the Nonprofit Annual Report: Tips, Traps, and Tricks of the Trade

Publishing the Nonprofit Annual Report offers your nonprofit organization hands-on guidance to help you create an annual report that goes beyond fulfilling your financial reporting responsibilities and instead becomes a valuable...

John C. Ritchie

The 3 P's of Negotiating: Exploring the Dimensions

This book covers the dimensions that influence how boundaries are established for successful negotiating. It explores how different types of people, processes and positional issues all influence each other and ultimately determine the outcome of...

Inter-American Development Bank

Competitiveness: The Business of Growth--Economic and Social Progress in Latin America, 2001 Report

Competing in the world economy does not automatically boost a nation's productivity and restructure its economy. Such progress requires mobilizing capital, employment, technology and knowledge. Opportunities beyond the business realm must be fully...

Eileen R. Meehan, Ellen Riordan

Sex & Money: Feminism and Political Economy in the Media (Commerce and Mass Culture (Hardcover))

It all comes down to sex and money: how the media are organized, how they work, what they say, who gets to say it, and to whom. That is the message this book delivers-and then parses for its meaning to society and culture. Forcefully and...

Alan Farnham

Forbes Great Success Stories: Twelve Tales of Victory Wrested from Defeat

Success is even sweeter the second time around In this inspiring book you will meet twelve extraordinary people?from a software tycoon to the founder of a toy empire?who soared to the top of the business world only to plummet like...

Shelly Field, Groveman

Career Opportunities in the Retail and Wholesale Industry (Career Opportunities)

This authoritative guide profiles more than seventy careers available in retail and sales settings. Broken down into four key sections-Malls and Shopping Centers; Stores, Shops, and Boutiques; Department Stores; and Automobile Sales-each entry...

Alexander Tubke

Success Factors of Corporate Spin-Offs (International Studies in Entrepreneurship, 2)

Corporate Spin-Off processes are very interesting phenomena for management theory and practice. In theory, Corporate Spin-Offs are both a driver and a result of organisational change, offering the possibility to investigate an area where companies...

Barry Eichengreen

European Monetary Unification: Theory, Practice, and Analysis

"Barry Eichengreen has over the past decade raised the standard of the debate on Europe's monetary unification in a number of articles collected in this volume. He combines the skills of an econometrician with the accurate analysis and critical...

B. Kaufman

Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations Volume 11

Continuing to provide innovative, forward-thinking industrial relations research, Volume 11 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) features studies of EEOC and FMCS mediation approaches and effectiveness; union organizing, political...

Steven Pressman

Fifty Major Economists (Key Concepts)

This book is designed as a reference tool for students and writers, providing brief biographical data on the economists who have shaped the discipline of economics, and more extensive exposition and analysis of the major features of their economic...

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Christophe Kamps. The Dynamic Macroeconomic Effects Транслит Roger H. Clark. Precedents in Architecture : Analytic Ольга Григорьева. Старая Ладога Ф. Р. Филатов. Общая психология в вопросах Виртуальные открытки Вакансии Яхо QIP.ру James K. Hickel. The Cost-Effective Organization:
Санкт-Петербург, Орёл, Дербент, Димитровград, Рязань, Октябрьский, Северск, Самара, Иваново, Ухта, Нижневартовск, Златоуст, Обнинск, Краснодар, Октябрьский, Томск, НижнийНовгород, Дербент, Назрань, Армавир,
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