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Mindy Fried Taking Time: Parental Leave Policy and Corporate Culture (Women in Politics)
There is a growing movement among corporations to provide family benefits in order to attract and retain women workers. They recognize that these benefits have become a cost of doing business. Many of these benefits, like child-care and elder care,...
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Jeanie Daniel Duck The Change Monster: The Human Forces that Fuel or Foil Corporate Transformation and Change
Now more than ever, business leaders need strong strategies for helping their companies adjust to a changing world. In The Change Monster , business consultant Jeanie Daniel Duck focuses on the central issue that blows so many change efforts...
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John P. Blair, Laura A. Reese Approaches to Economic Development: Readings from Economic Development Quarterly
This Reader presents a selection of articles from Economic Development Quarterly , the premier journal for practitioners and academics of local economic development. The pieces chosen cover both the breadth and the cutting edge of real world...
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Benn Steil, David G. Victor, Richard R. Nelson, Council on Foreign Relations Technological Innovation and Economic Performance.
Information technology accounts for over one-third of recent U.S. GDP growth and nearly two-thirds of corporate capital investment. ''The New Economy'' appears omnipresent, but little is actually known about its workings. This seminal volume...
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Mark J. P. Anson Credit Derivatives (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
Credit derivatives have become one of the fastest-growing areas of interest in global derivatives and risk management. In Credit Derivatives, Mark Anson skillfully examines this unique investment tool that is now being used to manage credit risk in...
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Marc M. Groz Forbes Guide to the Markets: Becoming a Savvy Investor
An essential resource for the new or seasoned investor from Forbes(r), the most trusted name in the business. This accessible book is a practical guide to the financial markets. Designed to help both the new and experienced investor gain...
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Jerry N. Luftman Competing in the Information Age: Align in the Sand
Most managers realize that information is among their company's most important assets. However, many don't know how to leverage their investments in information technology. Often, says Jerry N. Luftman, companies...
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Randy E. Devaul Performance Safety: A Practical Approach
Performance Safety: A Practical Approach gives front-line supervisors and managers tools to successfully integrate safe performance into production processes, procedures, and employee practices. You need to read this book if you are responsible for...
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John Mark Holmes The People Keeper
*Please use same annotation as that from the softcover version. ISBN: 0964382857, submitted previously....
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Patrick Forsyth Marketing Stripped Bare: An Insider's Guide to the Secret Rules
Marketing is a big subject. It's complex and often misunderstood. If we accept that every organization has customers or clients -- a public to serve -- then there has to be marketing. Without marketing your public won't be aware of your service...
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Rosario Marano How to Save Your Home from Foreclosure
An informative "how to book" for homeowners, college students, schools, real estate professionals, and the general public at large which points out various techniques and strategies on how to prevent the loss of their home to a creditor. It is a...
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Домой Автомобильный портал
Альберт Плакс. Оружие возмездия
Виртуальные открытки
Поиск мета
Ксения Соботович & Анна Галковская. Маленькие
Френсис Кроуфорд. Дон Жуан Австрийский
Chris Brewster, Henrik Holt Larsen. Human Resource
Джим Лоэр, Тони Шварц. На все сто!
Bob Dylan. Highway 61 Revisited / Blonde On Blonde (2 CD). Яркий представитель
Алекс Легат. Гопак для президента
Keith Harrelson. Fairytails: Sleeping Beauty
Ron Goulart. Star Hawks The Complete Series
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