Robert J. Lemke, Karen K. Diedrich

101 Ways To Enrich Your Life

Clear mindsets and simple tools that help you see everyday experiences in a different way, and handle them with confidence.101 Ways To Enrich Your Life helps you calmly and confidently handle issues while at home, on the job, raising children and in...

Scott Thorpe

Revolutionary Strategies of the Founding Fathers: Leadership Lessons from America's Most Successful Patriots

Manage change, tackle obstacles and lead others to success just as our forefathers did! Managing change is the greatest challenge facing businesses today. Executives must innovate in uncertainty, often against great odds. The Revolutionary...

Rudiger Dornbusch, James M. Poterba

Global Warming: Economic Policy Responses

The contributions in this book focus instead on the economic effects of global warming, providing an excellent summary of current thinking on this important issue....

Michael V. Maddaloni

Transitions: A Guide on Moving from Law Enforcement or the Military into a Second Career

Michael V. Maddaloni, a former Secret Service Agent, has prepared an easy to read guide that provides a wealth of useful information for career law enforcement and military professionals who plan to enter the corporate world....

Timothy Marjoribanks

News Corporation, Technology and the Workplace: Global Strategies, Local Change

This book examines technological innovation and workplace restructuring carried out by News Corporation in its newspaper holdings in Britain, the United States and Australia. Timothy Marjoribanks finds that while some outcomes at various local sites...

Course ILT: Organizational Learning

An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses....

Robert O. Brinkerhoff, Rhonda C. Messinger

Strategic Employee Development Guide, Manager's Guide (Manager's Guide)

Align employee goals with organizational objectives! Development planning can be tough. You want to ensure that employees are satisfied, but you also want to confirm that they're contributing to the organization. How can you balance these...

Phyllis Dutwin, Harriet Diamond

Writing the Easy Way (Writing the Easy Way, 3rd Ed)

Here is the latest edition of a practical self-teaching manual in Barron's popular Easy Way series. This book can also be used in courses that teach writing fundamentals on a high school or college-101 level. The authors' open and friendly style...

Video and Camcorder Servicing and Technology

This book provides fully up-to-date coverage of the whole range of current home video equipment, analogue and digital. As well as essential information for repair and troubleshooting, the author provides clear explanations of the technology of video...

Owen Parnaby

Australia's First Rotary Club: A History of the Rotary Club of Melbourne

This history of Rotary in Australia, from its formation in 1921 by a group of Melbourne's leading citizens, to its spread across southern Australia, and its growing prestige under the leadership of Sir Angus Mitchell, the first Australian president...

Mark Barrenechea

Software Rules: How the Next Generation of Enterprise Applications Will Increase Strategic Effectiveness

A top industry executive explains total software integration and how it holds the key to market leadership To achieve fast, agile, and diverse responsiveness to today's ever shifting business needs, executives need to successfully...

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