Robin Cooper, Regine Slagmulder

Target Costing and Value Engineering (Strategies in Confrontational Cost Management Series)

What would happen if everyone in your company followed a disciplined approach to cost reduction? How can it be done? With smart cost management. Two powerful strategies-target costing and value engineering-will get you well on your way. You will...

Peter Edwards

The Horse Trade of Tudor and Stuart England

Horses played a vital role in the economy of pre-industrial England. They acted as draught animals, pulled ploughs, waggons and coaches, worked machines, and transported goods around the country. As saddle animals they enabled their riders to carry...

Jozef M. Van Brabant

The Political Economy of Transition: Coming to Grips With History and Methodology (Routledge Studies of Societies in Transition, 7)

This book address the policy questions around the challenge of transforming Eastern Europe from planned, administrative to vibrant market-based economies. The author uses concrete examples to systematically examine both initial conditions and the...

Mila Freire, John E. Petersen, Marcela Huertas, Miguel Valadez

Subnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries: From Theory and Practice

Within the framework of increasing decentralization, the need for local governments to access financial markets is growing. As urbanization expands, local authorities need to provide more services with fewer resources from the central government....

Matthew D. Adler, Eric A. Posner

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Legal, Economic, and Philosophical Perspectives

Cost-benefit analysis is a widely used governmental evaluation tool, though academics remain skeptical. This volume gathers prominent contributors from law, economics, and philosophy for discussion of cost-benefit analysis, specifically its...

John M. Dyckman, Joseph A. Cutler

Scapegoats at Work : Taking the Bull's-Eye Off Your Back

Scapegoating is the identification--then blaming and punishing--of individuals for problems that rightly belong to the larger organization. Dyckman and Cutler offer a survival guide for people affected by workplace scapegoating. They show us the...

Everett M. Rogers


Since the first edition of this landmark book was published in 1962, Everett Rogers's name has become "virtually synonymous with the study of diffusion of innovations," according to Choice. The second and third editions of Diffusion of...

Gary J. Zenz

Purchasing and the Management of Materials

Providing the latest information on public purchasing figures and salaries, this edition prepares readers for purchasing in the 90s. Compact yet comprehensive, it offers invaluable guidance in order to prepare for the Certified Purchasing Manager...

Ramesh Thakur, Oddny Wiggen

South Asia in the World: Problem-Solving Perspectives on Security, Sustainable Development, and Good Governance (POPULATION STUDIES)

One of every five people in the world lives in the countries of South Asia ? Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka. The problems faced by this population are so huge that they present a defining challenge to the...

Alasdair Nairn

Engines that Move Markets: Technology Investing from Railroads to the Internet and Beyond

"An intriguing study of the psychology and market dynamics underlying technology-based stock market manias." ?Barry Riley, Financial Times "Engines That Move Markets is an insightful study into the history of technology and the...

Timothy Edward Josling, T. Taylor, T. Geoffrey Taylor

Banana Wars: The Anatomy of a Trade Dispute

In April 2001, the US and EU announced the end of a trade dispute over the sale of bananas into the EU market. The allocation of import licenses had been found to violate World Trade Organization rules and to discriminate against suppliers from...

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Российская газета Почта.ру Работа Из рук в руки Работа Из рук в руки Счетчик Кети Акер. Похоть Цзе Кун. Восемь последовательностей Люй Дунбиня. Транслит Процесс о поджоге Рейхстага и Георгий Димитров. Документы. Том 2. Microsoft Office XP. Шаг за шагом (+ CD-ROM). Гельмут Пинтер. Попугаи и попугайчики. Виды, содержание, разведение, Роман Шапошников, Сергей Колыхматов. Покер. Краткий курс Анна Малышева. Когда отступать некуда, дерутся Счетчик Транслит Все о Линукс Reforming Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations And The Лучшие сочинения по литературе: ХХ в.: Экзаменационные темы
Томск, Сыктывкар, Находка, Орехово-Зуево, Ангарск, Калининград, Королёв, Курск, Белгород, Архангельск, Ульяновск, Салават, Ростов-на-Дону, Архангельск, Балашиха, Благовещенск, Оренбург, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Пятигорск, Архангельск, Новошахтинск, Череповец, Новочебоксарск, Новочеркасск, Каменск-Уральский, Люберцы, Кострома, Новошахтинск, Магнитогорск, Киселёвск, ВеликийНовгород,
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