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Домашнее консервирование (на спирали)
Настольная книга с рецептами. Выполнена в виде настольного календаря на спирали. В издании: Подготовка к консервированию; Консервирование овощей; Консервирование фруктов и ягод....
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Vera Peiffer Total Stress Relief : Practical Solutions That Really Work
Book DescriptionExplains how stress develops and how it affects each individual. The book is divided into six parts and includes exercises to help relieve stress of every level of intensity....
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W. F., M.D. Peate Listening With Your Heart: Lessons from Native America
Book DescriptionRx: Take small miracles daily. "The spirit runs through the body," says Dr. Peate, a practicing physician who draws on his Iroquois heritage as well as his Western medical training. Listening with Your Heart is a rich...
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Denise R. Graham Eye of Fortune: Knights of the Silver Dragon, Book 4 (Knights of the Silver Dragon)
The fourth title in an all-new series for young readers, complete with its very own book club! Eye of Fortune continues a new series of adventures written specifically for readers ages 8 and up. Sized to fit the young reader market, the...
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Ruth Koeppel Cinderella's Tea Party (My First Princess)
Book Description Before Cinderella met and married the prince, she had lots of fun with her childhood friends! This innovative storybook and play set tells a story from Cinderella's early years, and features an interactive play scene on the last...
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Michael Reed Gach Increase Vitality
Book DescriptionMichael Reed Gach makes it easy to understand the basics of his safe, natural self-healing system that regulates the flow of chi by using acupressure - fingertip massage applied to the body's vital points to discharging harmful...
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Phillip Thomas Duck Playing With Destiny
Book DescriptionIn his powerful debut novel, Phillip Thomas Duck reaches into the hearts of two brothers struggling to understand the boys they once were and become the men they were meant to be. As brothers, Colin and Courtney Sheffield know...
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Icon Health Publications Shoulder Pain: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References
Book DescriptionIn March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information...
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R Parker WINSTON CHURCHILL : Studies in Statesmanship
Book DescriptionThis biography studies Churchill's changing attitudes and policies towards the evolving challenges of the 20th century. It contains a series of assessments of different facets of his career and a personal memoir from Churchill's...
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В. Е. Хаин, М. Г. Ломизе Геотектоника с основами геодинамики
В учебнике в соответствии с вузовской программой изложены основы геотектоники - науки о движениях и деформации литосферы, ее происхождении и развитии. Книга содержит материал по современным и древним областям, высокой тектонической активности,...
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Robert Meyers-Lussier This Is Delicious! What Is It? : An Eclectic Collection of International Comfort Foods
From Europe to the Far East, Robert Meyers-Lussier's travels have tantalized his taste buds with delectable delights. With over 250 recipes and 75 photographs, he has captured the cozy essence of the most comforting dishes uncovered from cuisines...
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Домой Игорь Губерман. Закатные гарики
Почта Яхо
Пояс "PlayBoy", коричневый. Пояс фирмы "Rawhide Accessories"
Г. И. Просветов. Цены и ценообразование. Задачи и решения
Дэвид Риччи. Энциклопедия НЛО и пришельцев
Жозеф Кессель. Дневная красавица
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