Наталия Орбенина

Тень Эсмеральды

Розалия всего лишь гувернантка, а ее возлюбленный Анатолий - дворянин и сын хозяев. Богатое семейство и общественное мнение не потерпят подобного мезальянса. Настало время Анатолю решить, кто он: избалованный барчук или мужчина, способный защитить...

Olivier Blanchard, Kenneth Froot, Jeffrey Sachs

The Transition in Eastern Europe: Country Studies (An National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report)

When communism fell in 1989, the question for most Eastern European countries was not whether to go to a market economy, but how to get there. Several years later, the difficult process of privatization and restructuring continues to concern...

Rebecca Boden, Deborah Cox, Maria Nedeva, Katharine Barker

Scrutinising Science: The Changing UK Government of Science

British science has undergone radical transformation during the past 20 years. This is less a result of scientific discoveries per se, but rather the structure of funding and institutions. Science used to occupy a discrete socio-economic space....

Gifford Pinchot, Elizabeth Pinchot

The Intelligent Organization: Engaging the Talent & Initiative of Everyone in the Workplace

Gifford and Elizabeth Pinchot confront head-on the key organizational issues that are threatening the very existence of today's corporations. They assert that "bureaucracy is no more appropriate to the information age than serfdom was to the...

Sandie Shores

Growing and Selling Fresh-Cut Herbs

This definitive guide for those looking to start or expand their own herb business focuses entirely on fresh-cut herbs for the grower who supplies restaurants or supermarkets, vends at farmers markets, or sells from her own retail space. Discussed...

Start Your Own Specialty Travel & Tour Business (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Up)

If you're looking for a business loaded with adventure, you've found it. Imagine exploring the pristine wilderness of Alaska, paddling down the Amazon River, or scuba diving Australia's Great Barrier Reef-and getting paid for it! That's the kind off...

Walter N. Alerich, Stephen L. Herman

Electric Motor Control

This highly practical approach to a difficult topic makes Electric Motor Control an especially useful and effective tool for anyone who will install, monitor and/or maintain motor controls. The book begins by introducing the simplest of equipment...

Emil Joseph Kirchner, Emil J. Kirchner

Decentralization and Transition in the Visegrad: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Studies in Economic Transition)

The essays in this volume assess the local and regional government level reform efforts which have been introduced since 1990 in the Visegrads--the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia--as part of the overall democratization process....

F. Robert Dwyer, John F Tanner, F. Robert Dwyer, John Tanner

Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning

This text is targeted at the undergraduate Business Marketing course. It introduces the concepts of marketing to businesses and stresses the importance of building relationships with customers....

Методы практического фэн-шуй. Измени свою судьбу

Быть счастливой возлюбленной, любящей женой и матерью - об этом мечтает каждая женщина. Методы практического фэн-шуй позволят привлечь к себе мощный поток благотворной энергии, укрепить здоровье и преуспеть в карьере и личной жизни. Наша...

Дени Ломбар

Императорский Китай

Поднебесная империя, просуществовaвшая дольше, чем какое бы то ни было иное государство мира, а именно двадцать два столетия, оказала огромное влияние не только на Восточную и Юго-Восточную Азию, но и на другие части света. В книге Д.Ломбара в...

<<<  Джейсон С. Каучмэн, Ульрике Швинн. Oracle8i Certified Professional DBA. ...             Audrey Niffenegger. Mujer Del Viajero En El Tiempo >>>

Mario Piattini. Auditing Information Systems Статистика Mitch Geller. New Perspectives on Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, Comprehensive Почта Почта Яхо VARIOUS. SCHUBERT / TRIO OP.99. 1. Исполнитель: VARIOUS Альбом: SCHUBERT Л. И. Рославцева. Крымские татары Fundraising as a Profession: Advancements and Challenges in the Field, Нигма Каталог софта Гороскопы Мишель де Монтень. Опыты
Москва, Рубцовск, Коломна, Ангарск, Вологда, Прокопьевск,
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