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Lalo Fiorelli Hidden Splendors of the Yucatan
Book DescriptionThe first book of its kind ever published with images from the subaquatic caves of the Yucatan Peninsula in the vicinity of Tulum, Mexico. Artistic compositions of the fantastic shapes and forms that abound are featured, as well as...
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Marina Belozerskaya Luxury Arts Of The Renaissance
Book DescriptionToday we associate Renaissance arts with painting, sculpture, and architecture. Yet gem-studded goldwork and richly embellished armor; splendid tapestries, embroideries, and textiles; ephemeral multimedia spectacles; and other...
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Robert J. Sawyer Factoring Humanity
Amazon.com Factoring Humanity will undoubtedly satisfy Sawyer fans, as well as those looking for positive-future scenarios a la Carl Sagan's Contact . Rather than a galactic vision of war and peace, this novel is localized in the...
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Roy Thomas The Chronicles of Conan Vol. 4: The Song of Red Sonja and Other Stories
The final collection of Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith's seminal run on Conan the Barbarian. As with many collaborations between two extremely talented artists, Thomas and Windsor-Smith were producing the finest work of their careers just as...
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Enrique Norton Ten Arquitectos : Enrique Norten and Bernardo Gomez-Pimienta (Work in Progress)
Book DescriptionIn the years since its 1985 founding, the architectural firm TEN (Taller de Enrique Norten) Arquitectos has altered not only the face of Mexico City but also the international perception of Mexican architecture. Partners Enrique...
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Susan Hagen Nipp The House That Jack Haunted
Book Description The House that Jack Haunted is a spooky version of the classic children's rhyme, The House that Jack Built. Readers go on an adventure to a spooky house where they run into their favorite Halloween friends along the way. ...
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Hanna Zacks Poems That Happened: Making Sense of Daily Life
Book DescriptionIn Poems That Happened: Making Sense of Daily Life , Hanna Zacks invites the reader to share with her personal experiences as well as thoughts on general issues. Hanna A?discoveredA? poetry in her sixties,...
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Rudyard Kipling The Man Who Would Be King: & Other Stories (Unabridged Classics)
Book Description Winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, Kipling drew upon his experiences in Anglo-Indian society for much of his fiction. This volume includes 5 of the author’s best early stories: "The Phantom Rickshaw," "Wee Willie...
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Jeffrey J. Keene Someone Else's Yesterday: The Confederate General and Connecticut Yankee, a Past Life Revealed
Book DescriptionSomeone Else's Yesterday is an amazing journey through the eyes of two people: one a Georgian, the other a Connecticut Yankee. Similarities between the two go far beyond coincidence. They think alike, look alike, and even share...
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Jane Varley Flood Stage And Rising
What could be safer than Grand Forks, North Dakota, settled on the vast, flat plain of the Red River? There'd be no danger unless the whole town went under water. But in April 1997 that is precisely what happened. Flood Stage and Rising tells the...
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Alastair Phillips City of Darkness, City of Light : Emigre Filmmakers in Paris, 1929-1939 (Amsterdam University Press - Film Culture in Transition)
Book Description The volume is the first-ever book-length study of the cinematic representation of Paris in the films of German emigre filmmakers, many of whom fled there as a refuge from Hitler. In coming to Paris--a privileged...
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Домой Транслит
В. Р. Захарьин. Счет 23 "Вспомогательные производства". Бухгалтерский
Martin Potucek. Not Only the Market: The Role
Андрей Сахаров. Тревога и надежда. Один год
Русское радио
Атасов Стас. Даешь каждой женщине по мужчине
Мой мир
John C. Daresh. What It Means to Be a Principal: Your Guide to Leadership
Вазочка (Папье-маше, роспись - Восток, вторая половина
Г. И. Рузавин. Логика. Практический курс
Русско-корейский словарь. Словарь содержит около 4
Manuel Gimenez Saurina. Karl Marx (Grandes biografias series)
А. И. Кизлюк. Справочник по устройству и ремонту телефонных
BEGRENS. STRAUS. Исполнитель: BEGRENS Альбом: STRAUS Производитель:
Элвин и бурундуки. Жизнь композитора была одной
Тамбов, Нижнекамск, Кисловодск, Рыбинск, Великие Луки, Новокузнецк, Сыктывкар, Кызыл, Йошкар-Ола, Ангарск, Волгодонск, Кисловодск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Батайск, Прокопьевск, Старый Оскол, Тверь, Краснодар,
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