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Developments In The Economics Of Copyright: Research And Analysis
Book DescriptionA collection of innovative and insightful research contributions written by some of the leading academics in the field, Developments in the Economics of Copyright advances the forefront of academic research on intellectual property...
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W.A. Barnett Functional Structure and Approximation in Econometrics, Volume 261 (Contributions to Economic Analysis)
Book DescriptionEconomic theory defines and constrains admissible functional form and functional structure throughout the economy. Constraints on behavioral functions of individual economic agents and on the recursive nesting of those behavioral...
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Pfeiffer's Classic Activities for Diversity Training
Book Description Pfeiffers Classic Activities for Diversity Training provides a wide range of approaches -- activities, exercises, and models -- to help understand and leverage a diverse workforce. This essential resource offers a...
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Nahid Jilovec EDI, UCCnet & RFID: Synchronizing the Supply Chain
Book DescriptionToday's businesses are more challenged than ever to improve the accuracy of their business data and the efficiency of their processes. True supply chain collaboration requires every member of the chain to effectively communicate and...
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Steve Bell Lean Enterprise Systems: Using IT for Continuous Improvement
Book DescriptionLearn how Lean IT can help companies deliver better customer service and value Lean Enterprise Systems effectively demonstrates how the techniques derived from Lean Manufacturing, combined with the thoughtful application of...
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Хизер Саммерс, Энн Уотсон Книга удачи
Иногда кажется, что некоторые люди просто рождаются везунчиками. Но это не так. На самом деле существует множество испытанных и надежных способов стать более удачливым и добиться всего, о чем вы мечтаете. В своей книге Хизер Саммерс и Энн Уотсон...
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Julia T. Wood Communication Mosaics : An Introduction to the Field of Communication (with CD-ROM, SpeechBuilder Express, and InfoTrac)
Book Description Julia Wood, a leading scholar in the field of communication, brings us a new edition of the extremely popular COMMUNICATION MOSAICS: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FIELD OF COMMUNICATION. The new edition continues with the holistic approach...
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R.W.G. Hunt The Reproduction of Colour (The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology)
Book DescriptionCompletely revised and updated, this book has become a standard work in this area and is widely used as a basis for lectures in universities and specialist institutions. Includes information on the latest digital and printing...
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V. Mark Covington Bullfish : A Novel
Book DescriptionFull of colorful characters, Bullfish is a sacred cow tipping adventure that will keep readers up all night anxious to find out what happens next and at the end it leaves readers wondering "could that have really happened?" ...
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Andre Norton Beast Master's Planet : Omnibus of Beast Master and Lord of Thunder
Book Description In 1959 Andre Norton published The Beast Master , a fast-paced science fiction adventure that introduced to readers a new kind of hero, Hosteen Storm. Storm, a Navajo from the American southwest, served in the Planetary...
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Charlotte Baden-Powell Architect's Pocket Book of Kitchen Design, First Edition
Book DescriptionAs with the best-selling 'Architects Pocket Book' this title includes everyday information which the architect/designer normally has to find from a wide variety of sources and which is not always easily to hand. Focusing on...
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Домой Журнал "Соционика, ментология и психология личности" №5/2007.
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Breakthrough IT Change Management : How to Get Enduring Change
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