Andrew S. Grove

Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company

Discusses corporate transformation and demonstrates how to foresee the changes ahead that can spell success or disaster. ...

Walter T. Harrison, Charles T. Horngren

Financial Accounting & Integrator Student CD Package

5th edition....

Judith Modell

A Town Without Steel: Envisioning Homestead

In 1986, with little warning, the USX Homestead Works closed. Thousands of workers who depended on steel to survive were left without work. A Town Without Steel looks at the people of Homestead as they reinvent their views of household and work and...

N. F. R. Crafts, Gianni Toniolo, Nick Crafts

Economic Growth in Europe Since 1945

This volume revisits the topic of postwar growth armed not only with new theoretical ideas, but also with the experience of the 1980s. Chapters cover Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, and...

Robert Brenner

The Boom and The Bubble: The US in the World Economy

Only a handful of years ago, the world economy seemed poised on the edge of catastrophe, as financial firestorms ripped through East Asia, Russia and Latin America. A sustained period of significant growth in the US, however, seemed to save the day...

Jes T. Y., Dr. Lim

Feng Shui for Business & Office

Many business owners and managers would scoff at the suggestion that the positioning of a desk can effect the productivity and success of the person using it. Not so, according to Dr. Jes Lim: `During almost 30 years as a consultant to thousands of...

The Diversity Scorecard : Evaluating the Impact of Diversity on Organizational Performance (Improving Human Perormance Series)

Book Description'The Diversity Scorecard' is designed to provide step-by-step instructions, worksheets and examples to help diversity executives and managers analyze and track the impact of their diversity initiatives to mobilize the organization...

Robert Scollay, John P. Gilbert, John Gilbert

New Regional Trading Arrangements in the Asia Pacific

What are the choices the Asia-Pacific community will face if it proceeds further down the path of developing preferential regional trading arrangements? Fragmentation of the region into preferential trading arrangements on a bilateral or subregional...

Mark Kleinman

A European Welfare State: European Union Social Policy in Context

Is European integration creating a 'European Welfare State'? Should it be? In this innovative study, Mark Kleinman shows that to understand the controversial social policy role of the European Union, we need to consider the impact of economic...

Jean-Pierre Potier

Piero Sraffa, Unorthodox Economist (1898-1983 : A Biographical Essay)

Piero Sraffa's work has given rise to a deep and lasting controversy in economic thought, yet we know surprisingly little about the man behind the theory. A friend of Gramsci, a colleague of Keynes and a correspondent of Wittgenstein, Piero Sraffa...

C. Mark Tang

The Essential Biotech Investment Guide: How to Invest in the Healthcare Biotechnology & Life Sciences Sector

This invaluable book tells the reader how to invest in the healthcare biotechnology and life sciences sector, one of the fast-growing sectors of the US economy. Aimed at biotech investors as well as bioentrepreneurs and venture capitalists, it has...

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