Wu Sun Tzu, Gary Gagliardi, Sun Tzu

The Art of War / The Art of Starting a Business (2 Volumes in 1)

Earlier paperback version of The Art of Small business focusing more on starting a business. The complete text of The Art of War is on the left-hand pages with The Art of Starting a Business on the facing right-hand pages....

Peter Brown

Ethics, Economics and International Relations

In this important book Peter Brown charts a new future for the species that share the earth. He offers an innovative, yet historically grounded, argument for human rights to bodily integrity; to moral, religious, and political choice; and to...

Anne O. Krueger

Exchange Rate Determination (Cambridge Surveys of Economic Literature)

This volume is intended to provide a survey of thought about exchange-rate determination as it emerged in the decade of the 1970s. This survey differs from many, however, in that the field itself is in a state of rapid change. Understanding the...

Jason Charvat

Project Management Nation : Goals for the New and Practicing IT Project Manager - Guidance, Tools, Templates and Techniques that Work!

Universal praise for Project Management Nation "Project Management Nation is a comprehensive guide to IT project management, with no ?stone? unturned. The book is chock-full of PM definitions, tools, and techniques." ...

Carol J. McNair

The Profit Potential : Taking High Performance to the Bottom Line

Advance Praise for The Profit Potential "The Profit Potential breaks away from the stale nostrun served up in scores of 'new' cost management books in recent years. A leading cost management authority, McNair presents a refreshing new...

Hans G. Danielmeyer, Yasutsugu Takeda

The Company of the Future: Markets, Tools, and Strategies

The art of managing innovative companies is disclosed in this unique book which resulted from the first common EU-MITI project. The Company of the Future will need new management tools in order to meet four essential requirements: The first three...

Steven Holzner, Steve Holzner

Real World XML, Second Edition

Steven Holzner's friendly, easy-to-read style has turned this book (formerly known as Inside XML ) into the leading reference on XML. Unlike other XML books, this one is packed with hundreds of real-world examples, fully tested and...

Richard Mansfield

Visual Basic .NET All in One Desk Reference for Dummies

* Covers all aspects of VB .NET programming in seven self-contained minibooks: Visual Basic .NET Programming Fundamentals, Advanced Visual Basic .NET Programming, The .NET Editor, Object-Oriented Programming, Programming for the Web, Database...

John McConnell, Eric Siegel

Practical Service Level Management: Delivering High-Quality Web-Based Services

Measure, manage, and improve the speed and reliability of web services Complete reference for creating relevant, effective Service Level Agreements Detailed discussions of both technical and business performance metrics and...

Dan Gookin

Power Excel and Word: Squeezing Every Dollar Out of Microsoft Office

For experienced and routine users of Excel and Word, this one-of-a-kind book offers productive tips for Microsoft's two most indispensable Office products in one volume. It skips over the basic functions that you're already familiar with, and jumps...

Dirk Husmeier, Richard Dybowski, Stephen Roberts

Probabilistic Modelling in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics

Probabilistic Modelling in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics has been written for researchers and students in statistics, machine learning, and the biological sciences. The first part of this book provides a self-contained introduction to the...

<<<  Коминтерн и Африка. Документы. Сборник `Коминтерн и Африка` — публикация ...             Audrey Niffenegger. Mujer Del Viajero En El Tiempo >>>

Надежда Романова. Актриса. Зеленая версия Вики Хрестоматия по литературе. 8 класс. В 2 частях. Часть 2. Данная учебная Яндекс Камаев В.. Живопись и графика Maeve Binchy, Marian Keyes, Cathy Kelly. Irish Girls About Town: Поговори с ней. Хавьер Камара ("Дурное воспитание"), Дарио Грандинетти Фото Н. В. Богомолов. Очерки о российских педагогах-математиках Rolf Wigand, Arnold Picot, Ralf Reichwald. Information, Компьютерные новости В. В. Мавродин. Происхождение русского народа Яхо Гогле Е.Г. (Степанян Е.). Песня о боярыне Морозовой. Царь Манассия. Гого Ответы
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