Joiner Associates Staff

Flowcharts: Plain & Simple: Learning & Application Guide

Flowcharts teaches how to create and compare different flowcharts that outline the sequence of steps in a process. The information is presented in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner through a series of exercises and case studies. Users...

Max Isaacman

How To Be An Index Investor

The first book to introduce all investors­­from aggressive day traders to conservative long-term traders­­to the high-leverage, high-profit world of index trading Index investments work like an index fund, trade...

Jesse L. Livermore, Richard Smitten

How to Trade in Stocks

This book, written by Jesse Livermore, outlines his unique method of dealing with what he called the three essentials in successful stock market trading: Timing, Money Management and Emotional Control. In this book his secret techniques and methods...

Tales from the Marketplace : Stories of Revolution, Reinvention and Renewal (Marketing Series (London, England).)

'Tales from the Marketplace: Stories of Revolution, Reinvention and Renewal' is a highly innovative approach to building an understanding of the realities of market-led strategic change in companies. It provides an engaging, honest, and effective...

Марк Тедески

Искусство захватов. Практическое руководство

В книге рассматриваются принципы и техника захватов, применяемых мастерами боевых искусств. Приведенные в книге приемы характерны для практичного и разнообразного стиля школы хапкидо, имеющей общие исторические корни с такими боевыми искусствами,...

Jerry Horazdovsky

Word 2000 Essentials Intermediate

The Essentials series is conceived as a ?learning system? that combines graphics, instructions, experience, reinforcement, and problem solving. It consists of modular lessons that are built around a series of numbered,...

Skin Tags - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Renee Feinberg

The Changing Culture of Libraries: How We Know Ourselves Through Our Libraries

From the civil rights and antiwar demonstration 1960s to the age of the electronic library, there have always been many librarians and readers who care deeply about library traditions. In compiling this collection of 18 essays, editor Renee Feinberg...

Frank L. Severance

System Modeling and Simulation : An Introduction

Q. What is system modeling? A. System modeling is the process of describing both natural and engineered systems in precise mathematical terms. Q. What is simulation? A. Simulation is the exploitation of a model in order to predict...

Н. Е. Щуркова

Прикладная педагогика воспитания

Учебное пособие с позиций прикладной педагогики раскрывает организационные основы воспитательного процесса; определяет принципы воспитания детей; описывает содержание и структуру воспитательного процесса, этапы, средства, способы и формы организации...

В. А. Кулаков


Немало туристов из всех стран мира в начале 1920-х годов совершали паломничество в Живерни - местечко на полпути из Парижа в Руан, вниз по течению Сены, - только затем, чтобы из-за высокой ограды полюбоваться на сады в имении Клода Моне. Правда,...

<<<  Ф. М. Достоевский. Ф. М. Достоевский. Собрание сочинений в семнадцати ...             Bob Bevelaqua. Major Bob Unvarnished: Why We Keep Making the Same ... >>>

Работа К. К. Жоль. Индуизм в истории Индии Транслит Одноклассники О. Л. Соболева. Русский язык. 2 класс. Методические рекомендации Где 042?. Александр Збруев ("Бедная Саша"), В. М. Борисов. Я путешествую. Книжка-игрушка Гогле Статистика Е. В. Экзерцева. Кроссворды для школьников. География О компьютерах Virginia Woolf. The Mrs. Dalloway Reader Ingrid 2.9*6м "Орхидея" 204. Фон золотисто-желтый, с разводами. Размер 2,9х3 Ливе Яндекс Louise Kelly. Dictionary of Strategy : Strategic Management A-Z Призраки опиума. Брэд Хант ("Война Харта", "Повелитель QIP.ру S.M. Stirling. T2: Rising Storm (T2) Гороскопы Работа
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