Михаил Шишкин

Венерин волос

В новом романе лауреата Букеровской премии Михаила Шишкина действие происходит в разные времена и в разных странах: это и Россия времен Гражданской войны, и сегодняшняя Европа, и даже древняя Персия. Судьбы героев повествования пересекаются,...

Г. Штейнгауз

Математика - посредник между духом и материей

Книга представляет собой сборник статей и выступлений автора, посвященных истории развития отдельных разделов математики и их приложениям к биологии, медицине, геологии, судебной практике, экономике и другим областям. Объединяющим моментом являются...

Г. Островский

Художественные музеи Львова

Древний украинский город Львов замечателен не только средоточием великолепных архитектурных памятников эпох Возрождения, барокко, нового времени, советского периода. Своими богатствами справедливо гордятся его музеи. Книга рассказывает о трех...

Kim Sunghoon

Internal Labor Markets And Employment Transitions In South Korea

Book DescriptionThis book examines the value Korean employers and workers place on stable employment with a focus on the workers want for more desirable transition outcomes as modified by various individual and structural factors, particularly labor...

Michael Youngs

Selling 1,000,000+ Per Year in HVAC Home Comfort & Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) : Or anything else you want to sell. The principles do not change only the product.

Book DescriptionWHAT INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS SAID ABOUT MICHAEL YOUNGS At HVAC COMFORTECH 2004 ?The sun was shining on you today? ?You don?t get rattled? Sharon Roberts, Roberts & Roberts “You have a...

Lutz Becker

Avant-Garde Graphics 1918-1934: From the Merrill C. Berman Collection

Book DescriptionAvant-garde artists of the 1920s and 30s discovered a new role, that of designers for the printing industry--what is today known as graphic design. As illustrated by the numerous stunning, high quality, color reproductions in this...

After Criticism: New Responses to Art and Performance (New Interventions in Art History)

Book DescriptionIt has recently become apparent that criticism is in trouble. Either commodification is deemed to have killed it off, or it has become institutionally routine. This book explores contemporary approaches that have sought to renew...

Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture VIII (Advances in Architecture)

Book DescriptionThis book contains papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture (STREMAH). The pre-eminent conference series dealing with this area, the STREMAH...

Thomas A. Edison

The Papers of Thomas A. Edison : Research to Development at Menlo Park, January 1879-March 1881 (The Papers of Thomas A. Edison)

Book Description The fifth volume of The Papers of Thomas A. Edison covers Edison's invention and development of the first commercial incandescent electric light and power system. In the process he turned his famed Menlo Park laboratory...

A Comprehensive Guide to Chinese Medicine

Book DescriptionThis invaluable book is aimed at those who are concerned about Chinese medicine ? how it works, what its current state is and, most important, how to make full use of it. The audience therefore includes clinicians who want to...

Doug Peterson

Mess Detectives: The Slobfather

Book DescriptionDetectives Bob and Larry hunt for the truth in their messiest case ever as they help Junior learn a valuable lesson. Winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award....

<<<  Paul S. Adler, Terry A. Winograd. Usability: Turning Technologies into ...             Bob Bevelaqua. Major Bob Unvarnished: Why We Keep Making the Same ... >>>

TAMMINGA,LIUWE. ORGELWERKE. 1. Исполнитель: TAMMINGA,LIUWE Альбом: Бойня в Пуэрто Валларта. Скотт Гленн ("Апокалипсис IIS 2002 Symposium, Slawomir T. Wierzchon, Maciej Michalewicz. Intelligent Питер Хиз. Шри Ауробиндо. Краткая биография Работа А. Г. Киссин, О. С. Левин и др.. Новейшая энциклопедия медицинской SK DRESD. TCHAIKOVSKY. Исполнитель: SK DRESD Альбом: TCHAIKOVSKY Рамблер Mike Schiano, Michael J. Schiano. Spend Your Way to Wealth Joel Rehnstrom. Development Cooperation in Practice: The United Nations VORSPRUNG DURCH TECHNIK. PLANKALKUEL. Исполнитель: VORSPRUNG Какой рынок труда нужен российской экономике? Перспективы реформирования Вики Сьюзен Э. Филлипс. Леди, будьте паинькой История в таблицах и схемах. Пособие включает дидактические Icon Health Publications. The Official
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