Martha Amram, Nalin Kulatilaka

Real Options: Managing Strategic Investment in an Uncertain World

In capital investing, as in life, you always have options. In today's extremely turbulent world, managers recognize how risky the most valuable investment opportunities often are, and how useful a flexible strategy can be. That's why they want to...

Barbara C. McNurlin, Ralph H. Sprague

Information Systems Management in Practice (5th Edition)

This book deals with the management of information technology (IT) as it is being practiced in organizations today. It captures the material of current importance to information systems executives and organizes it around a framework that provides...

Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka

Labor, Capital, and Finance: International Flows

This book fills a gap in the literature by combining elements from seemingly disjointed parts of economics and presenting them in a consistent analytical framework. It lays the groundwork for the integration of capital, labor, and finance into a...

Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran

Power to the People : How the Coming Energy Revolution Will Transform an Industry, Change Our Lives, and Maybe Even Save the Planet

A guided tour of a revolution in the making that promises to change our lives Global warming, rolling black outs, massive tanker spills, oil dependence: our profligate ways have doomed us to suffer such tragedies, right? Perhaps,...

The Options Institute

Options:Essential Concepts, 3rd Edition

Get the acknowledged industry classic – revised and updated to deliver everything from time-honored options concepts to strategies for individual and institutional investors and traders. Every stock trader or market maker, whether currently...

James W. Hart

Grandpa and the Computer

In this book, Jim Hart, the author tells how learning to use the computer saved his life after his beloved wife of 60 years passed away. His granddaughter Tammy saw her Grandpa wasting away in his grief and said, "Grandpa, I'm going to get you a...

Les M. Sztandera, Christopher Pastore

Soft Computing in Textile Sciences

Textiles and computing have long been associated. High volume and low profit margins of textile products have driven the industry to invest in high technology, particularly in the area of data interpretation and analysis. Thus, it is virtually...

Icon Health Publications

Avelox: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Ralph L. Kliem, Irwin S. Ludin

Just-In-Time Systems for Computing Environments

In the information highway age, Just-In-Time Systems--JITS-- are becoming increasingly visible: customers want to purchase rather than develop customized computing systems and they want these systems now. JITS will allow for developing systems at...

Getting Started With the SAS System Using SAS/ASSIST Software, Version 8

New users of SAS software will find this title an invaluable introduction to the capabilities of the SAS System. Using SAS/ASSIST software's point-and-click interface to the SAS System, you will quickly learn to produce reports and graphics,...

Цифровая звукозапись. Руководство по CD, Mini Disc, SACD DVD(A), MP3, DAT

В книге экспертов европейского отделения известной фирмы Sony изложены принципы построения технических и программных средств, лежащих в основе наиболее известных потребительских форматов цифровой записи и воспроизведения звука. Рассматриваются...

<<<  Б. Ц. Урланис. Войны и народонаселение Европы             Bob Bevelaqua. Major Bob Unvarnished: Why We Keep Making the Same ... >>>

Доминант-квартет. Ф. Шуберт / Д. Шостакович. Доминант-квартет по праву Barasui. Strawberry Marshmallow, Volume 1 Традиция и русская цивилизация. В этой книге предпринимается попытка Лилия Ким. Библия-Миллениум. Книга 2 Геннадий Шпаликов. Патруль 31 декабря Дживс и Вустер. Третий сезон. Серии 4,5,6. Экранизация Анатолий Могилевский. Grand Collection. Я Вас люблю, мадам; Америка - Россия; О. Генри. Волшебный профиль (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD) Martin Nicholas Kunz. best designed hotel pools (Best Designed) Учимся и растем. Справочник 2007. Справочник для родителей содержит
Кемерово, Белгород, Липецк, Нижний Тагил, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Пермь, Архангельск, Армавир, Волгоград, Брянск, Арзамас, Нижний Тагил, Владимир, Москва,
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