Stanley Aronowitz, Jonathan Cutler

Post-Work: The Wages of Cybernation

In Post-Work, Stanley Aronowitz and Jonathan Cutler have collected essays from a variety of scholars to discuss the dreary future of work. The introduction, The Post-Work Manifesto,, provides the framework for a radical reappraisal of work and...

Jane Pollak

Soul Proprietor: 100 Lessons from a Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Art teacher Jane Pollak's career shot to a new level when she was invited to the White House to decorate an egg for the annual Easter Egg Roll. Not long after, this wife and mother was running a full-blown home business, speaking internationally,...

Emmett J. Vaughan

Risk Management

This book reflects the trend in industry toward an increased focus on risk management in insurance. Combining both the theoretical and practical, it explores what today's risk managers need to know....

R. Kent Weaver

Ending Welfare As We Know It

In 1996, the sixty-year old Aid to Families with Dependent Children program was replaced by a new, and dramatically different, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. President Clinton had promised in his 1992 presidential campaign to "end...

Nigel Harris

The End of the Third World: Newly Industrializing Countries and the Decline of an Ideology

Harris assesses the development of the Asian "Gang of Four" (Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore) and the two largest Latin American countries (Taiwan, and Singapore) and the two largest Latin American countries (Mexico and Brazil), and...

Arthur Goldsmith

Business, Government, Society: The Global Political Economy

In Business, Government, and Society, Goldsmith has given us thorough coverage of the whole public policy process. He emphasizes the relationship of public policy and the business environment to reveal how government actions touch upon almost every...

Robert L. Heath

Strategic Issues Management: Organizations and Public Policy Challenges (Public Relations (Thousand Oaks, Ca.).)

Written to position issues management in the strategic planning and management efforts by staff and executives, the author of this volume argues that issues management is not one of many communication functions, but a management function that can...

Carey Holzman

The Healthy PC: Preventive Care and Home Remedies for Your Computer

Learn routine maintenance as well as desktop basics, hard drive care and defragmentation, and plenty more to make your PC more efficient and keep it running smoothly. Learn software management, tame the Internet, secure your machine, deal with...

Michael Martin

Understanding the Network: A Practical Guide to Internetworking

The growing dependence of enterprise networks on Internet connectivity is forcing professional system and network administrators to turn to technologies that they may not fully understand for solutions. This book will provide those...

Richard Blum

Open Source E-mail Security

In this book you'll learn the technology underlying secure e-mail systems, from the protocols involved to the open source software packages used to implement e-mail security. This book explains the secure MIME (S/MIME) protocol and how it is...

Chadd, Ph.D. Everone

DoctorInternet: How to Use the Internet for Health and Medicine

Once available only to specialists on a subscription basis, many scientific databases are now accessible to the public. But they're useful only to those who know how to navigate the enormous amount of information. Written for patients, facilitators,...

<<<  Megan E. Bryant. The Little Mermaid: Berry Fairy ...             Bob Bevelaqua. Major Bob Unvarnished: Why We Keep Making the Same ... >>>

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