П. Вуд, Л. Вачек, Д. Дж. Хэмблин, Дж. Н. Леонард

Возникновение человека. Жизнь до человека

Вопросы происхождения человека, его положения и роль в природе, взаимосвязь с другими живыми организмами нашей планеты составляют содержание книги "Жизнь до человека" - первой из пяти книг серии "Возникновение человека". В ней рассказывается об...

Лев Толстой

Севастопольские рассказы

"Севастопольские рассказы" великого русского писателя Льва Николаевича Толстого (1828-1910), повествующие о храбрости и мужестве русских солдат, во многом автобиографичны. Во время Крымской войны, служа в действующей армии, командовал батареей на...

Randall L. Patton, David B. Parker

Carpet Capital: The Rise of a New Soouth Industry (Economy and Society in the Modern South)

The Dalton area in northwest Georgia dominates carpet production in the United States, manufacturing some 70 percent of the domestic product and priding itself as the carpet capital of the world. Carpet Capital is a story of revolutionary changes...

Gunther Peck

Reinventing Free Labor: Padrone and Immigrant Workers in the North American West, 1880-1930

One of the most infamous villains in North America during the Progressive Era was the padrone, a mafia-like immigrant boss who allegedly enslaved his compatriots and kept them uncivilized, unmanly, and unfree. In this first-ever history of the...

Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jeffrey Paul

Problems of Market Liberalism (Social Philosophy and Policy)

The essays in this volume assess the strength and impact of market liberal or libertarian political theory, which, broadly conceived, advocates a more carefully circumscribed role for the state and a greater reliance on the ability of individuals...

Daniele Archibugi, Bengt-Ake Lundvall

The Globalizing Learning Economy

This volume analyses some of the major and current trends and challenges in the ""new economy"" from the point of view of technical innovation and competence building.It brings together the leading Eurpoean expertise on different topics in this...

Query Processing for Advanced Database Systems (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)

The chapters of this book provide an excellent snapshot of current research and development activities in the area of query processing and optimization. They supply potential answers to many questions that have been raised for new types of...

Mike George, Dave Rowlands, Bill Kastle

What is Lean Six Sigma?

A quick introduction on how to use Lean Six Sigma to improve your workplace, meet your goals, and better serve your customers. Lean Six Sigma combines the two most important improvement trends of our time: making work better ...

Digital Imaging: Essential Skills, Second Edition

Offering a comprehensive coverage of the entire digital chain, from capture to output this is a must have guide for any student needing to get to grips with digital imaging. The approach taken is very practical, focusing on building on the...

John Spargo

Syndicalism, Industrial Unionism and Socialism

Based on a 1908-1909 series of lectures delivered by John Spargo (1876-1966), a leading socialist writer of the period.. Spargo admits that he disagrees with syndicalist views, but he does admit that syndicalism is better than capitalism. He...

Jack Russell Weinstein

On Adam Smith

This brief text assists students in understanding Adam Smith's philosophy and thinking so they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part of the Wadsworth Notes Series, (which...

<<<  Говард Минз. Деньги и власть. История бизнеса             Bob Bevelaqua. Major Bob Unvarnished: Why We Keep Making the Same ... >>>

Омар Хайям и персидские поэты X-XVI веков. Г. Гаспер. Мыши Наталья Андреева. Любовь и смерть всегда вдвоем Кирилл Казанцев. Олигарху светит зона Программы И. И. Козлов. И. И. Козлов. Полное собрание сочинений П. А. Флоренский. Мнимости в геометрии. Расширение области двухмерных Копейко В.В.. Королевское коварство Janet G. Butler. Information Technology: Converging Strategies Майкл Флинн. В стране слепых Почта.ру Lionel Richie. Renaissance. Вышедшей в 2001 году работой "Renaissance" Вальтер Скотт. Вальтер Скотт. Собрание сочинений в восьми Одноклассники Евгений Анисимов. Пленницы судьбы Виктор Легентов. Эдит Пиаф (аудиокнига МР3) Каталог софта
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