И. Гарин

Пророки и поэты. В двух томах. Том 2

В жанре афористических фрагментов в книге описаны жизнь и творчество великих французских поэтов XX века и модернистов XX века. Главные герои книги - Бертран, Бодлер, Верлен, Рембо, Малларме, Джойс, пруст, Музиль, Кафка того, кратко рассмотрено...

Кристин Эммер

Энциклопедия здоровья женщины

Содержит сведения по обширному диапазону тем: от анатомии женской репродуктивной системы до основных понятий эндокринной системы, от полового созревания до менопаузы и старости. Охвачены вопросы деторождения, поддержания здоровья, диеты и...

George Frost Kennan

E.H. Harriman: Railroad Czar, Vol. 1

The fascinating story of one of America's great nineteenth-century entrepreneurs who made a fortune buying foundering railroads and turning them around....

R. Emmett Murray

Lexicon of Labor: More Than 500 Key Terms, Biographical Sketches, and Historical Insights Concerning Labor in America

An innovative and informative mini-encyclopedia of work and workers in America. Unique and comprehensive, The Lexicon of Labor features informative and engaging descriptions of more than 500 key places, people, and events in American labor history....

Len Asprey, Michael Middleton

Integrative Document & Content Management: Strategies for Exploiting Enterprise Knowledge

Integrative Document and Content Management: Strategies for Exploiting Enterprise Knowledge blends theory and practice to provide practical knowledge and guidelines to enterprises wishing to understand the importance of managing documents to their...

Shoya Zichy

Women and the Leadership Q: Revealing the Four Paths to Influence and Power

Using Leadership Q—a 38-item, self-scoring, gender-neutral test, developed by Shoya Zichy and based upon the work of Carl Jung — women can identify which of the four profile groups best matches their leadership personalities and then...

Catherine Fitzgerald, Jennifer Garvey Berger

Executive Coaching: Practices & Perspectives

Coaching has for too long been relegated to the bottom of most consultants' bags of fixes. More properly called "executive development," this field is becoming one of the hotter areas in the training world because of today's need to retain and...

Investment in South East Asia : Law and Policy

Investment In South East Asia covers much more than the law and policy relating to foreign investment in South East Asia. It provides a comprehensive, readable and practical guide to all aspects of investment. Brunei, Indonesia,...

Fred Wiersema

The New Market Leaders: Who's Winning and How in the Battle for Customers

In the decade since Fred Wiersema coauthored the #1 bestseller The Discipline of Market Leaders , a momentous shift has occured. We have entered an age of customer scarcity--an age in which exciting, often unorthodox companies are...

IT Manager's Handbook: Getting Your New Job Done

Are you one of many new IT managers with limited managerial experience? Are you a technician or programmer contemplating a move into IT management? Or, has your technical position evolved to include significant management responsibilities?...

Thomas K., Ph.D. Connellan

Bringing Out the Best in Others! 3 Keys for Business Leaders, Educators, Coaches and Parents

Can you pass this test? 1. Is someone (or more than one) on your sales team not playing full out? 2. Are your child's grades where they should be? Is their room too messy? 3. If you're a teacher, do you have a student or two you'd like...

<<<  Города. Город. Вечная тема вдохновения ...             Виктория Угрюмова. Белый Паяц >>>

Plant Engineer's Handbook. Plant engineers are responsible for a Поиск мета Синтия Вейдер. Йога + пилатес = йогалатес. Модный Сказки Англии. Книга первая. Том "Сказки Англии" Хребтов В.А.. Физика Терри Пратчетт. Стража! Стража! Keith Parkinson. Kingsgate: The Art of Keith Parkinson Работа Западно-Европейская живопись. В двух томах. Каталог Поиск майл.ру Т. П. Трушина. Экологические основы природопользования Кхваджа Шамсуддин Азими. Духовное целительство Трахтенберг Р.. 333 1/3 анекдота про армию Программы Газета.ру Дэвид Ротери. Вулканы Конференция iXBT.com Мегафон A. Jerome Jewler. Creative Strategy in Advertising (with Ответы Nokia E61i. Улучшенные возможности электронной
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