Лебедева В.Е. (Ред.)

Люди и судьбы. ХХ век. Книга очерков. Сборник II

Шестой сборник группы «Современная художественная культура России» продолжает тему, начатую в пятом сборнике и также посвящен судьбам людей, чьи имена составили славу прошлого века, чей благородный пример воспитал не одно поколение. В разделе I...

Сергей Мезенцев

Международное христианско-демократическое движение

В монографии подвергнуто глубокому анализу международное христианско-демократическое движение - один из самых мощных пластов западного мира, выступающего одновременно в качестве теолого-философского учения и социально-политического движения. Автор...

Ричард Темплар

Библия менеджера

Хотите стать одним из тех менеджеров, которые без видимых усилий идут вперед, преодолевая на своем пути любые препятствия, связанные с несовершенством корпоративной системы, внутриорганизационными интригами, кадровыми проблемами, труднодостижимыми...

James Stephenson

202 Services You Can Sell For Big Profits

Provide a service, pocket a profit! If you’re hungry to be out on your own, making your own hours, taking home all the profits and being your own boss, then this book is a must. Author James Stephenson has produced the first-ever...

Charles A. Ingene

Mathematical Models of Distribution Channels (International Series in Quantitative Marketing)

Book DescriptionMathematical Models of Distribution Channels identifies eight "Channel Myths" that characterize almost all analytical research on distribution channels. The authors prove that models that incorporate one or more Channel Myths...

George MacLean

Fibonacci and Gann Applications in Financial Markets : Practical Applications of Natural and Synthetic Ratios in Technical Analysis (Wiley Trading)

Book DescriptionThere are many books covering Fibonacci from an artistic and historical point of view and almost as many suggesting that Fibonacci retracements and numbers can be successfully applied to financial market time series. What is missing...

Pension Systems: Beyond Mandatory Retirement

Book DescriptionPension Systems enters into the current lively debate on European pensions. The focus of the book is the analysis of public intervention in individuals? retirement choice, its rationale and the desirability of legislation...

Christopher Hart

Draw Manga Villains (Hart, Christopher. Xtreme Art.)

Book DescriptionThe second installment in the best-selling Xtreme Art series, this book offers a fun-filled tutorial on one of today's hottest art forms: the Japanese cartoon style of manga. Geared for eager young artists ages 8 and up, Draw Manga...

Brian W. Aldiss


Book Description Curiosity was discouraged in the Greene tribe. Its members lived out their lives in cramped Quarters, hacking away at the encroaching ponics. As to where they were - that was forgotten. Roy Complain decides to find out. With...

David T. Williams

Battling the Beast Within : Success in Living with Adversity

Book Description This inspirational story about a man on the fast track to success who was suddenly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis tells how he chose not to be defeated by the disease and rose to the challenge, turning a terrible situation...

David Rothbart

A Soldier's Journal

Book Description This is the extraordinary memoir of the 22nd Infantry Regiment, a unit that Ernest Hemingway stayed with for five months, from the drive across France to the bloody Battle of the Hurtgen Forest. It is a moving account of men who...

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