Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration

Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration provides a total framework for assessing the uncertainties associated with exploration risk from beginning to end. Numerous examples with accompanying microcomputer algorithms illustrate how to...

Teri C. Tompkins

Cases in Management and Organizational Behavior

Realistic, intermediate-length cases make up this inexpensive casebook. Based on real events but with all names changed, the cases either illustrate theory or describe a recent real-life dilemma requiring a decision. Cases are long enough to...

Understanding AC Circuits

Understanding AC Circuits covers the second half of a basic electronic circuits theory course, integrating theory and laboratory practice into a single text. Several key features in each unit make this an excellent teaching tool: objectives, key...

Evelyne Huber, John D. Stephens

Development and Crisis of the Welfare State: Parties and Policies in Global Markets

Evelyne Huber and John D. Stephens offer the most systematic examination to date of the origins, character, effects, and prospects of generous welfare states in advanced industrial democracies in the post--World War II era. They demonstrate...

Mats Lindgren, Hans Bandhold

Scenario Planning: The Link Between Future and Strategy

Recent research in the field of business strategy has shown that strategic flexibility can be achieved through a scenario planning perspective for long term competition and performance. The authors have drawn upon examples and cases to develop...

Dick Lee, David Mangen, Bob Thompson

The Blueprint for CRM Success: Results of a Comprehensive Study Identifying Best Practices Leading To ROI And Factors Contributing To Failure

This blockbuster new CRMGuru study breaks fresh ground in defining how to generate ROI through CRM?while disproving many common myths and mantras that so often lead CRM implementers astray. The Blueprint for CRM Success is the first...

Joseph T. Sinclair, Don Spillane

eBay Motors the Smart Way: Selling and Buying Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Boats, Parts, Accessories, and Much More on the Web's #1 Auction Site

In 2002, 300,000 vehicles with a total value of $3 billion were sold -- on one Web site. Is it any surprise the site is eBay? For buyers, sellers, dealers, and parts and accessories vendors, there's simply no other marketplace to match the huge...

Todd Stauffer, Nina Parikh, Todd Stauffer, Nina Parikh

Get Creative! The Digital Video Idea Book

Best-selling author Todd Stauffer teams with movie producer Nina Parikh to show you what can happen when you apply professional video and film techniques to everything from home movies to corporate projects projects using a digital camcorder,...

Akira Hirose

Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Theories and Applications (Series on Innovative Intelligence, 5)

In recent years, complex-valued neural networks have widened the scope of application in optoelectronics, imaging, remote sensing, quantum neural devices and systems, spatiotemporal analysis of physiological neural systems, and artificial neural...

Daniel John Stine, Daniel Stine

Residential Design Using AutoCAD 2004

This textbook starts with a basic introduction to AutoCAD 2004 and then begins a house floor plan. Using step-by-step tutorial lessons, the residential project is followed through to create elevations, sections, details, etc. Throughout the...

Brian S. Yandell

Practical Data Analysis for Designed Experiments

Placing data in the context of the scientific discovery of knowledge through experimentation, Practical Data Analysis for Designed Experiments examines issues of comparing groups and sorting out factor effects and the consequences of imbalance and...

<<<  Вольфганг и Хайке Хольбайн. Долина Драконов. Книга 4. Зеркальная ...             Виктория Угрюмова. Белый Паяц >>>

CASINELLI/BROGGINI/FERRARI/BERDINI/BARTOLETTI. Каландаров Т.С., Терехов В.П.. Путешествие в страну Ruth Milkman. Farewell to the Factory: Auto Екатерина Вильмонт. Три полуграции, или Немного о любви в Alyse Gaultier. The Little Book of Vuillard (Little Яндекс И. А. Бунин. И. А. Бунин. Повести и рассказы Корбина В. Д. Черный. Методические рекомендации и материалы к изучению Корбина Аглая Дюрсо. Секс по sms Автомобильный портал Жажда. Вячеслав Тихонов ("Семнадцать мгновений весны"), Юрий Белов ("Девушка С. Е. Гаврина, Н. Л. Кутявина, И. Г. Топоркова, Рамблер Поиск людей Хольгер Арбман. Викинги Chris J. Richards. Debt Control : How To Get Out of Debt and
Сургут, Владикавказ, Нальчик, Орск, Дзержинск, Братск, Курск, Улан-Удэ, Южно-Сахалинск, Грозный, Люберцы, Череповец, Самара, Тюмень, Серпухов, Октябрьский, Ижевск, Рязань, Элиста, Копейск, Дзержинск, Вологда, Златоуст, Волгоград,
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