Василий Аксенов

Вольтерьянцы и вольтерьянки

Этот роман Василия Аксенова удостоен премии "Букер" за 2004 год. В 60-е годы восемнадцатого века, "века галантного", очень заинтересовались друг другом две значительные личности - Вольтер и Екатерина Великая. В романе Василия Аксенова...

Святыни древней Москвы

За основу альбома взято два источника: труды М. И. Александровского и Н. А. Найденова. Найденовский 13-ти томный свод представляет собой как бы наглядное пособие по истории всех московских церквей конца XIX века - 1000 снимков, из которых в данном...

Scott McCleskey

Achieving Market Integration : Best Execution, Fragmentation and the Free Flow of Capital (Securities Institute Global Capital Markets)

Book DescriptionBest execution, market integration, and other major financial market issues have traditionally been dealt with as separate matters requiring individual solutions. In Achieving Market Integration the author demonstrates the...

World Bank

Agricultural Growth and the Poor: An Agenda for Development (Directions in Development) (Directions in Development)

Book DescriptionThe majority of the world's poor depend directly or indirectly on agriculture. Despite the strong linkages between broad-based agricultural growth and poverty reduction, international support to agriculture sharply declined from the...

William N. West

Theatres and Encyclopedias in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture)

Book DescriptionThis book analyzes the discourses and practices that defined Renaissance theater, as related to the development of encyclopedic texts and vice versa. Looking at what "theater" meant to medieval and Renaissance writers and critics,...

The Deceiving Eye : The Art of Richard Hescox

Book Description Fans will warmly welcome this very first book devoted to the art of seven-time Chesley Award nominee Richard Hescox. These 100 pieces are Hescox’s favorites, and they showcase the inventive and imaginative worlds he has...

Jason Poole


Book DescriptionIn the hood, a snitch is the worst thing a person could possibly be. Rolling over on your best friend who has been with you through thick and thin, hungry and full, freedom and state bids - that?s "the cruelest lie told in...

D Braithwaite (Squadron Leader DFC)

TARGET FOR TONIGHT : A pilot's memoirs of flying long-range reconnaissance and Pathfinder missions in World War II.

Book DescriptionThe author was born of a well-to-do Yorkshire family and joined the Auxiliary Air Force on his eighteenth birthday in 1939. On the occasion of Chamberlain's speech to the British nation on September 3 the situation changed...

Ellis Parker Butler

Pigs Is Pigs And Other Favorites

Book Description1906. Butler, the author of more than 30 books and more than 2,000 stories and essays, is most famous for his short story Pigs is Pigs in which a bureaucratic stationmaster insists on levying the livestock rate for a shipment of two...

The Cambridge Companion to Grand Opera (Cambridge Companions to Music)

Book DescriptionA fascinating and accessible exploration of the world of grand opera....

Wheeler Winston Dixon

Lost In The Fifties: Recovering Phantom Hollywood

Book Description Lost in the Fifties: Recovering Phantom Hollywood reveals two 1950s: an era glorified in Hollywood movies and a darker reality reflected in the esoteric films of the decade. Renowned film scholar Wheeler Winston Dixon turns to...

<<<  Simson Garfinkel, Michael K. Mahoney. ...             Виктория Угрюмова. Белый Паяц >>>

Д. Геберт, Л. фон Розенштиль. Организационная психология. Dolores Stewart Riccio. Circle of Five Уильям Кейт. Шагающая смерть. В четырех томах. Том 4 Евгений Маурин. Придворные похождения Аделаиды Гюс. Л. А. Буланов. Достижение вершин лечебного и боевого Знакомства Tony Grundy. Gurus on Business Strategy Калинов мост. Вольница (2 CD). Записи с концертов Работа Юрий Каштанов. Русский рукопашный бой Gene Siciliano. Finance for Non-Financial Managers Рамблер Российская газета Почта Н. О. Чурзина. Пальчиковые куклы для домашнего театра Гого Ханс Кристиан Андерсен. Ханс Кристиан Андерсен - Сказки WILSON SIMONAL. MEUS MOMENTOS. Исполнитель: WILSON SIMONAL Альбом: Счетчик David Hooper. Music Business Goal Planner (52 Weeks to the Record
Калуга, Тюмень, Тюмень, Нижний Тагил, Белгород, Калининград, Петрозаводск, Великие Луки, Великие Луки, Элиста, Хасавюрт, Щёлково, Чебоксары,
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