International Business Publications USA

Cuba Investment and Business Guide

Ultimate guide for conducting investment, export-import activity in the country. Strategic and business information, contacts, regulations and more. Updated annually...

John F. Cassidy

Japanese Direct Investment in China. Locational Determinants and Characteristics

China, with the world's largest population, is set to become the second largest market in the world by 2010. The importance of understanding the environment for foreign direct investment (FDI) in China has never been more apparent. With this as...

Paul R., Ph.D. Timm

Successful Self-Management: A Psychologically Sound Approach to Personal Effectiveness (The Fifty-Minute Series)

A sensible, logical, and psychologically sound way to improve your personal effectiveness....

Donny Lowy

Secrets Of Ebay: Strategies And Tips Used By The Most Successful Ebay Sellers

If you could easily reach 20 million potential customers without having to launch an expensive advertising campaign and without having to do any personal selling, would you be interested? What if by doing so you could consistently make money...

Joan U. Levy, Norman Levy

Praxis II Exam 2004 (Preparation for the Praxis II Exam (Book & Cd Rom), 2004)

Teachers who wish to specialize in a specific subject area must pass subject assessments for certification. Practice for the 20 most popular subject tests are covered here as well as practice for the Listening Skills Test and the Multiple Skills...

Jon Robinson

Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home : Prima's Official Strategy Guide

Backyards ain't just for BBQin' ·Killer bios and stats on all 31 wrestlers ·Complete facts on how to create a wrestler ·Crucial details on stages, opponents, and goals ·Interview with the Insane Clown Posse...

Against the Clock

Adobe Photoshop 6: Advanced Digital Images

This book is designed to offer strong advice and training for novice Graphic Arts Professionals delivering completed projects to vendors. Demonstration Software. Project-based instruction. Project data available on dual-platform CD-ROM. Two-color,...

Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar

Software Engineering With Computational Intelligence (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Secs 731)

The software engineering field has recently observed an increased integration with the computational intelligence (CI) field, which is primarily comprised of the mature technologies of fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms,...

Lu Ruan, Ding-Zhu Du, Dingzhu Du

Optical Networks: Recent Advances (Network Theory and Applications, V. 6)

Optical Networks with terabits per second bandwith have received significant interest from both researchers and practitioners. This book captures a collection of research and survey papers presenting the most recent developments in this exciting...

David L. Hall

Mathematical Techniques in Multisensor Data Fusion (Artech House Radar Library)

This invaluable reference offers the most comprehensive introduction available to the concepts of multisensor data fusion. It introduces key algorithms, provides advice on their utilization, and raises issues associated with their implementation....

Марта Р. А. Филдз

Кадры решают все! Поиск ценных сотрудников

Штат вашей компании практически полностью укомплектован? У вас есть небольшие или вовсе нет проблем в поиске и удержании талантливых и компетентных сотрудников? У вас слишком много незаполненных рабочих мест и недостаточно квалифицированных...

<<<  Ю. В. Новиков. Экология, окружающая среда и человек             Алексей Гравицкий. Основы деловой этики >>>

Shelley Sallee. The Whiteness of Child Labor Reform in Белый взрыв. Владимир Высоцкий ("Вертикаль"), Армен Катакомбы. Шаннин Соссамон ("Охота на призраков"), Пинк, Кабрал Гражданское право. Третье издание подготовлено с учетом нового законодательства Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации. Принят Компьютерные новости Поиск людей Вики Шрек-2. Настольная игра. Приключения добродушного великана Шрека, Поиск майл.ру Агент майл.ру Гого И. В. Карнаухова. Полное собрание русских сказок. Mark R. Miller. Carpentry & Construction Inderal - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and
Новочеркасск, Новочеркасск, Прокопьевск, Чита, Благовещенск, Южно-Сахалинск, Первоуральск, Ярославль, Находка, Невинномысск, Шахты, Воронеж, Железнодорожный, Орск, Екатеринбург, Железнодорожный, Иркутск, Сызрань, Улан-Удэ,
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