Шедевры русского романса

Романс - это прежде всего прекрасные стихи, глубокие чувства, дивные созвучия, особая интонация. У романса есть главная тема - любовь. В книгу вошли популярные романсы, составляющие золотой фонд русской музыкальной культуры....

Eisuke Sakakibara

Structural Reform in Japan: Breaking the Iron Triangle

In this unusually candid book, Japan?s former top financial diplomat asserts the urgent need for wholesale structural reform to revitalize the long-stagnant Japanese economy. Eisuke Sakakibara, whose influence over global currency markets...

Hanns-Gunther Hilpert, Rene Haak, Hanns Gunther Hilpert

Japan and China: Cooperation, Competition and Conflict

The flow of goods, capital technology and organizational know-how between Japan and China has increased dramatically, yet the relationship between the two countries remains far below its potential scope. The differing economic structures of the...

International Business Publications USA

Gabon (World Country Study Guide Library)

Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers......

S. Mahendrarajah, A. J. Jakeman, M. J. McAleer

Modelling Change in Integrated Economic and Environmental Systems

The relationship between economic and environmental systems is an important one which affects all living organisms directly or indirectly and is becoming increasingly recognised in policy arena. The more this relationship is studied analytically and...

Thomas Cleary

The Human Element: A Course in Resourceful Thinking

Insightful lessons from the great traditions of Asian thought on: The essentials of wise leadership. Decision-making without prejudice. Inspiring loyalty and maintaining authority. Determining an individual's true character. Encouraging the...

Mark Baimbridge, Brian Burkitt, Philip Whyman

The Impact of the Euro: Debating Britain's Future

Economic and monetary union (EMU) will have far-reaching consequences for participating nations. This book contains a unique and editorially neutral collection of key arguments favoring and opposing membership. The economic and policy...

Jack Nadel

There's No Business Like Your Bu$Iness: How to Turn Your Knowledge into Personal Profit

Start with what you know. Then succeed with the know-how of Jack Nadel, international entrepreneur and storyteller. In these pages, he shares with you his wisdom for the real world - wisdom that embodies both the dream and the reality. ...

Ivan Szelenyi

Privatizing the Land: Rural Political Economy in Post-Communist Societies (Routledge Studies of Societies in Transition, 8)

This book offers an overview of reforms in state socialist agrarian systems during the 1970s and 1980s in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. This experience is contrasted to reforms in China, Vietnam and Cuba....

Pat McGrew, Bill McDaniel

Critical Mass: A Primer for Living with the Future

Critical Mass looks at where we are going in terms of the things we already know that shape our desires and needs for the future. Ever wonder why science fiction tells the future? Have you noticed a bit of Jane Jetson creeping into your kitchen?...

Kurt Dopfer

Evolutionary Economics: Program and Scope (Recent Economic Thought, Volume 74)

Evolutionary Economics: Program and Scope offers a fresh look at the paradigmatic foundations and basic theoretical propositions of economics. Twelve authors -- each of them with his own distinct contribution to economics -- make a step forward by...

<<<  Е. Е. Вяземский, О. Ю. Стрелова. Методические рекомендации учителю ...             Алексей Гравицкий. Основы деловой этики >>>

Знакомства Русские монеты. Книга в переплете ручной работы мастера Транслит Статистика Статистика Игры Футбол А. Днепров. Мобильник + компьютер. Эффективное взаимодействие (+CD-ROM) Susan Lake, Karen Bean. Digital Desktop Вести Д. Э. Розенталь. Справочник по правописанию и литературной правке ShellShock: Вьетнам '67. Забудьте о медалях. Забудьте об Norihisa Suzuki. Shared Memory Multiprocessing Новости
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