Owen Barder

Making Markets for Vaccines: Ideas to Action

Book DescriptionMaking a commitment in advance to buy vaccines if and when they are developed would create incentives for industry to increase investment in research and development. New commercial investment would complement funding of research and...

Roy Ackerman


Book DescriptionPouring itself into a handy, portable paperback for its fifth edition, Cafe's of Europe 2003 works harder than ever to steer you to the best cafe's. As always, you'll find up to date reviews of the outstanding cafe's in 50 European...

Anne M. Bogardus

Human Resources JumpStart

Book DescriptionLaunch Your Human Resources Career--Quickly and Effectively Written by an experienced HR specialist, Human Resources JumpStart provides all the core information you need to approach a human resources career with confidence: ...

Robert Slater

The Eye of the Storm: How John Chambers Steered Cisco Through the Technology Collapse

Book Description In March 2000 Cisco Systems, with a market capitalization of $531 billion, was the most valuable company on the planet. With 44,000 employees and a stock price at $80 per share, Cisco was poised for unstoppable growth and unending...

Francesca Alfano Miglietti

Extreme Bodies : The Use and Abuse of the Body in Art

Book Description This thought-provoking volume presents an original, theoretical reflection on the use of the body in art. It analyses the ways in which the body has always been manipulated: from its relationship with cultural, religious and...

The Boy, The Bear, The Baron, The Bard (New York Times Best Illustrated Books (Awards))

Book Description A comic romp through Shakespeare's London featuring an intrepid little boy, a friendly bear, and-in the role of dastardly villain-the Bard himself. What happens when a boy bursts through the curtain of a deserted...

Foreword by India Arie

Inside of Me: Lessons of Lust, Love and Redemption

Book DescriptionAlthough born and raised in the church, Shellie Warren became a victim and survivor of sexual abuse, low self-esteem, rape, promiscuity and co-dependency. After multiple abortions and deep depression, she found healing, reconcilation...

Alex Bradley

24 Girls in 7 Days

Book Description Jack Grammar, average American senior, has no date to the prom. Or so he thinks. Percy and Natalie, Jack's so-called best friends, posted an ad in the classified section of the online version of the school newspaper. They figured...

Louis Simpson

The Owner of the House : New Collected Poems 1940-2001 (American Poets Continuum Series,)

Book Description Few poets have so artfully confronted American life as Louis Simpson. Persona speakers struggle with everyday issues against a backdrop of larger forces, the individual's maladjustment to a culture of materialism and brutal...

John R. Walker

The Restaurant, Student Workbook : From Concept to Operation

Book DescriptionThe ultimate guide to restaurant success-fully updated and revised Yes, hard work and a dream are indispensable, but success in the restaurant business requires an arsenal of skills and a vast body of knowledge and access...

Sarah Littman

Confessions of a Closet Catholic

Book Description Justine Silver's best friend, Mary Catherine McAllister, has given up chocolate for Lent, but Justine doesn't think God wants her to make that kind of sacrifice. So she's decided to give up being Jewish instead. ...

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