Joan Damico

How to Be a Permanent Temp: Winning Strategies for Thriving in Today's Workplace

With an easy-to-follow action plan, professionals learn how to minimize risk, maximize earnings, and enhance job satisfaction while adding to their professional experience portfolio. Its a guide to earning a living while obtaining job satisfaction...

Harry J. Holzer, Michael A. Stoll

Employers and Welfare Recipients: The Effects of Welfare Reform in the Workplace

Although employment rates among welfare recipients have risen substantially since the early 1990s, many questions about welfare-to-work efforts remain. What are the employment prospects of the least skilled and least experienced welfare recipients?...

Jack J. Phillips, Seven D. Jones, Michael M. Beyerlein, Steven D. Jones

In Action: Developing High-Performance Work Teams, Volume 2

Volume 2 takes up where Volume 1 left off in presenting an interior view of work teams as they have struggled to become high-performance teams. It is designed for the practitioner who wants to see real-life examples of team implementation. Human...

Start Your Own Wholesale Distribution Business (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Up)

You say you like doing deals and making money but don't care much about getting into the retail grind? Maybe you need to be the person in the middle-the wholesaler, the one who buys goods in volume from manufacturers and sells them to retailers at a...

Paul Davies

What's This India Business?: Offshoring, Outsourcing, and the Global Services Revolution

A global services revolution is taking the business world by storm. From call centers and claims processing to human resources and IT, accounting and even legal operations, jobs are migrating from the West to India by the thousands each year. ...

Lorna Tedder

Book Promotion for the Shameless: 101 Marketing Tips That Really Work (Spilled Candy Books for Writers)

101 Book promotion and marketing techniques for penny-pinching authors. Includes a special bonus section on Internet marketing....

AOL's Online Advisor, Regina Lewis, Regina Lewis

Wired in a Week 7.0: "Must-Know" Tips Plus Real Life Examples and Step-by-Step Instructions

Chat rooms, instant response messaging, stock quotes, shopping online-we all know that the Internet puts the world at your fingertips. But what the majority of Americans don't know is how to access this amazing technology. Now AOL, the leading...

Doug Lowe

Vsam: Access Method Services and Application Programming

This is the ideal source for anyone who wants to know how to handle production VSAM files efficiently. You get all the coding details and efficiency considerations of using the VSAM utility, Access Method Services (AMS or IDCAMS), plus pointers on...

Howard Anderson, Mike Tooley

Newnes PC Troubleshooting Pocket Book (Newnes PC Troubleshooting Pocket Book)

Newnes PC Troubleshooting Pocket Book provides a concise and compact reference that describes, in a clear and straightforward manner, the principles and practice of faultfinding and upgrading PCs and peripherals. The strong practical emphasis is...

David Beskeen, Jennifer Duffy, Ann Fisher, Lisa Friedrichsen, Elizabeth Eisner Reding, David Beskeen, Elizabeth Reding, Lisa Friedrichsen, Duffy, Hunt Fisher, Halvorson , Elizabeth Reding, Hunt

Microsoft Office XP - Illustrated Introductory

The visual and flexible way to learn Microsoft Office XP skills....

Scabies - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

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Русский архив: Великая Отечественная. Красная Армия в странах Центральной, Японская коллекция: Токио-Га. Записки об одежде Игры Людмила Власова. Печать Тамирайны Гаррет Лопорто. Метод да Винчи. Открой в себе гения МСН Яндекс Все о Линукс С. Алексеев. От Москвы до Берлина Почта Новости Игры Работа Кайт - девочка убийца. Несколько лет назад девочка Cергей Минаев. Духless. Повесть о ненастоящем человеке Counting Crows. August And Everything After. К данному изданию прилагается Агата Кристи. Убийство в Восточном экспрессе. Драма в трех актах Steve Berges. The Complete Guide to Real Estate Iconoclast. In The Vodka Garden. Данное издание содержит Patrick Larkin. The Tribune: Novel of Ancient Rome (Wheeler Роман Злотников. Смертельный удар Почта
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