Allan R. Cohen

The Portable MBA in Management

When the speculative bubble burst in 2000, it exposed a weakness in many firms - too much financial engineering and too little leadership and management. I strongly recommend this book to those managers who want to learn how to run well-managed...

Т. Г. Масарик

Россия и Европа. Эссе о духовных течениях в России. Том 2

Настоящий том продолжает полное издание знаменитой книги первого президента Чехословацкой республики Т.Г.Масарика "Россия и Европа", по различным причинам так и не дошедшей до русского читателя ни в царской, ни в советской России. Между тем по...

Игорь Голомшток

Искусство авангарда в портретах его представителей в Европе и Америке

Книга представляет собой очерки о жизни и творчестве наиболее заметных фигур практически всех направлений художественного авангарда XX века. Индивидуальное творчество рассматривается как стилистическая эволюция, как часть общего художественного...

Holmes F. Crouch

Profits, Taxes, & LLCs

This guide to the Limited Liability Company (LLC) covers the unique characteristics of an LLC under federal law, forming it under state law, the importance of a written operating agreement, the requirement for maintaining a sufficient capital base...

David Hancock

Citizens of the World: London Merchants and the Integration of the British Atlantic Community, 1735-1785

Citizens of the World examines the business and social strategies of the men who developed the British empire in the eighteenth century. This book focuses on twenty-three London merchants who traded with America in an age of imperial expansion....

John Wrench, Andrea Rea, Nouria Ouali

Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and the Labour Market: Integration and Exclusion in Europe (Migration, Minorities, and Citizenship)

This book examines racial and ethnic discrimination in the labor markets and workplaces of western Europe. Scholars from ten different countries set out the experience and implications of this exclusion for two main groups: the more established...

Howard N. White, A. Geske Dijkstra, Geske Dijkstra, Howard White

Programme Aid and Development: Beyond Conditionality (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

This important contribution to the literature on development economics analyses the effectiveness of programme aid - i.e. aid that is given in the form of projects. Using real world examples from countries such as Nicaragua, Tanzania, and Vietnam...

Serge-Christophe Kolm

Macrojustice: The Political Economy of Fairness

Realization of the "just" society would result in a remarkable yet simple structure wherein individual freedom is fully respected, and redistribution consists of an equal sharing of individual earnings obtained by the same limited "equalization...

Richard N. Cooper, Richard Layard

What the Future Holds: Insights from Social Science

Predicting the future is notoriously difficult. But systematic analysis leads to clearer understanding and wiser decisions. Thinking about the future also makes social scientists focus their research into the past and present more fruitfully, with...

Jurgen Von Hagen, Andrej Kumar, Elzbieta Kawecka-Wyrzykowska, Lorand Ambrus-Lakatos, Mark E. Schaffer

Coming to Terms With Accession (Forum Report of the Economic Policy Initiative No 2)

This report presents three perspectives on the contentious issue of the accession of the central and east European (CEE) countries to the European Union. The first chapter considers accession from the perspective of the EU and focuses on the...

Robert W. Skarlinski

Job Applications and Workplace Words Wordsearch Puzzles

Job Applications and Workplace Words Wordsearch Puzzles workbook provides teachers, special needs professionals, and homeschoolers with 12 pages of job application and workplace vocabulary words puzzles and solutions ready for duplication. 5 job...

<<<  М. А. Ушков, К. М. Ушаков. Физика. 7 класс. ...             Лариса Неменская. Борис Неменский >>>

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