Ralph Katz

The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation: A Collection of Readings

Edited by a leader in the field of human resource management, The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation, 2/e is organized around themes including motivating professionals, measuring productivity, managing groups, and technology as a...

James Bovard

The Fair Trade Fraud

The Fair Trade Fraud is a direct attack on US trade policies and on the principle of political control of trade. James Bovard exposed the political and moral core of protectionism, demonstrating that politicians cannot make trade more...

Ray Anderson

Mid-Course Correction: Toward a Sustainable Enterprise: The Interface Model

Of value to business people, environmentalists, and educators alike, Mid-Course Correction is a business book about the enviornment that's written from a personal perspective. With passion and pride, Ray Anderson, Founder, Chairman and CEO of one...

Robert J. Allio

The Seven Faces of Leadership

What qualities and talents do you need to lead and transform an organization? In this comprehensive view of transformational leadership, the author argues that successful leaders focus on developing a clear set of values, purpose, and meaning for...

Samuel C., Jr. Thompson

Business Planning for Mergers and Acquistions

This law book is a more comprehensive, practical approach to the subject of mergers and acquisitions than the highly theoretical or confined approaches taken in previous works. Principally designed for law school students, Business Planning for...

Sergio Zyman

El final del marketing que conocemos

Medidas 15.3x22x1.5cm; Ttulo original The end of marketing as we know it Traduccin:Isabel Ferrer...

Cherie Sohnen-Moe

Business Mastery : A Guide for Creating a Fulfilling, Thriving Business and Keeping It Successful

Business skills are essential for your long-term success. For the past decade, Business Mastery3 has provided a comprehensive resource for allied health care professionals as well as business owners in all realms. This exciting edition provides...

Doug Walsh

Maximo Vs Army of Zin: Official Strategy Guide

BradyGames' Maximo vs Army of Zin Official Strategy Guide features a complete walkthrough, including power-up management tips and the Master's Corner to earn 100% completion of every level. Updated Knight School provides coverage of all of...

Judy, Dr Scholl

Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

This student lab manual is for the serious Java student! Featuring extensive additional student exercises, students are able to further challenge themselves and gain additional exposure and understanding of difficult Java topics, all in a lab...

Seung-Youn Chyung

Training Professionals' Web Design Toolkit Microsoft Office Frontpage 2003

If you want to design your own professional, dynamic Website to support training and performance in your organization, this is the resource you need?hands down. The practical, hands-on resource for training professionals builds your skills...

И. Г. Федотова, Н. В. Старосельская, Г. П. Толстопятенко

Английский язык для студентов юридических вузов. Диалоги для двустороннего перевода

В пособии представлен текстовой диалогический материал для двустороннего перевода, иллюстрирующий ключевые понятия и категории основных отраслей и институтов международного публичного права, а также основных институтов гражданского и частного права...

<<<  Е. В. Хворостьянова. Поэтика Олега Григорьева             Лариса Неменская. Борис Неменский >>>

Игры Автомобильный портал В. Р. Захарьин. Счет 26 "Общехозяйственные расходы". Корбина А. Н. Сахаров, А. П. Ладинский. Владимир QIP.ру Апорт МТС Глен Арнольд. Руководство по корпоративным финансам. Пособие МТС Транслит Яндекс Денис Давыдов. Денис Давыдов. Стихотворения Апорт Компьютерные новости
Череповец, Елец, Копейск, Армавир, Прокопьевск, Ноябрьск, Железнодорожный, Москва, Москва , Пятигорск, Тюмень, Воронеж, Воронеж, Йошкар-Ола, Сочи, Липецк, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Старый Оскол, Череповец, Киров, Дербент, Кызыл, Энгельс, Липецк, Ногинск, Орск, Владикавказ,
Итальянский| Другие языки| Предпринимательство| Финансовое и банковское право| Филологические науки| Литературоведение. Фольклор| Семейные комедии|
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