Christopher Kirkwood

Your Services Are No Longer Required: The Complete Job-Loss Recovery Book

“Your services are no longer required” can be the most chilling words you will ever hear. They can also be the invitation to take permanent charge of your career. No matter how prosperous the times, downsizing and outplacements are...

Jeffrey E. Cohen

Politics and Economic Policy in the United States

This text offers students a comprehensive overview of economic policy without a strict mathematical emphasis, making it accessible to students of political science, public policy, and business. Organized around the theme of equity versus...

James D. Gwartney, Robert Lawson, James Gwartney, Neil Emerick

Economic Freedom of the World, 2003 Annual Report

This 7th global economic freedom report, by James Gwartney and Robert Lawson, ranks 123 nations for 2001, the most recent year for which data are available. The report also updates data in earlier reports in instances where data have been revised....

Roy E. Allen

Financial Crises and Recession in the Global Economy

This timely and authoritative book, now in paperback, explains the rise and fall of economies in Asia, Central America and Europe since 1980 and discusses these crises in the context of continuing economic globalization. This updated and fully...

Stephen Martin, Centre for Industrial Economics Competition Policy Working Group

Competition Policies in Europe

Hardbound. This volume contains chapters by different authors describing the development of competition policy in 10 European Union Member States, as well as the interaction of those policies with EU competition policy. The convergance of Member...

Anthony G. Bigio, Bharat Dahiya

Urban Environment and Infrastructure: Toward Livable Cities (Directions in Development (Washington, D.C.).)

The brown agenda or urban environmental issues became an important part of the international policy agenda following the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992). Urban environmental issues continue to remain a...

Thomas P. Au

A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing (Wiley Finance)

Reviews of A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing "What happened in the market? What lies ahead? Investors should be required to read Tom Au?s A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing. Tom delivers a commonsense road map for...

David M. Wrobel, Patrick T. Long

Seeing and Being Seen: Tourism in the American West

You can see them cruising for Indian art in Santa Fe, waiting for Old Faithful at Yellowstone, or pausing for shrimp cocktails on San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. The American West attracts vacationers of every stripe, who comb its varied...

Roy H. Williams

Magical Worlds of the Wizard of Ads: Tools and Techniques for Profitable Persuasion

First there was The Wizard of Ads providing the philosophical tenets; then came Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads, offering valuable recipes for business success. Now, the Wizard shares the secrets of business persuasion that are taught at his...

Bruce Berman, Bruce A. Berman

"I Got Here. You Can Too!" A Masters Course in Becoming a Millionaire

In his new book, "I GOT HERE. YOU CAN TOO!", Bruce lets you in on the means and methods that he and almost every successful entrepreneur must know in order to break the "Million Dollar" barrier. Bruce A. Berman takes his hard earned, wealth...

Robin Eanes

Content Area Literacy: Teaching for Today and Tomorrow

This text focuses on methods for helping teachers develop their students literacy skills to enhance learning of content subject matter across all disciplines. It pulls together some of the most current and popular strategies and techniques in...

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Топ майл.ру Вести Одноклассники Дэвид Ливитт. Флоренция. Роковое очарование города лилий История советского драматического театра. В шести томах. Том 3. Том В. С. Борзаковский. История Тверского княжества Противостояние: Битва за черное золото. Что делили между собой два исламских Hail to the Thief. Book DescriptionGuitar tablature songbook. Ed Paulson. The Technology M&A Guidebook Шапошников Л.Е.. История русской религиозной философии Thomas R. Leinbach, Richard Ulack. Southeast Asia: Diversity QIP.ру Рефераты Мой мир Мой мир Ответы и решения к заданиям учебника Ш. А. Алимова, Ю. М. Колягина Фото Ливе Кролик на луне. Бруно Бичир ("Гипноз"), Ирина Филиппова. Популярная фунготерапия. Лечение лекарственными
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