Robin Ryde

Thought Leadership: Moving Hearts and Minds

All Leadership starts with thinking - about problems, about possibilities and about organisational capabilities. But thinking never occurs in a vacuum. Modern leadership is about shaping the social process of engagement, strategizing and...

Jonathan Carroll

Outside the Dog Museum

If you didn't know that Lewis Carroll was a pseudonym, you might wonder if this Carroll ( A Child Across the Sky ) might be a relative. He, too, uses fanciful jests to point up common absurdities and makes fantasy seem altogether tangible. Here his...

Yugi Yamada

Close The Last Door Volume 1 (Yaoi) (Close the Last Door!)

What would you do if your crush of many years suddenly got married?! After attending his beloved Saitoh's wedding, broken-hearted Nagai gets a little too drunk for his own good and lands himself in a hotel room with the bride's guest, Honda. To top...

Judd Winick, Bill Willingham

Day of Vengeance (Infinite Crisis) (Countdown to Infinite Crisis)...

Nora Roberts

Finding the Dream (Dream Trilogy)

A dream of a conclusion for Nora's New York Times bestselling trilogy The daughter of a wealthy hotelier, Laura Templeton had always known comfort and privilege. But when her storybook marriage ends, she is determined to rebuild her...

Иван Шамякин

Криницы. Мост

Роман "Криницы" и повесть "Мост" белорусского прозаика Ивана Шамякина посвящены жизни послевоенной деревни. По-разному складываются судьбы героев этих произведений, но всех их роднит одно - желание сделать будущее людей радостным и счастливым....

Ronald Inglehart, Christian Welzel

Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy: The Human Development Sequence

This book demonstrates that people's basic values and beliefs are changing, in ways that affect their political, sexual, economic, and religious behavior. These changes are roughly predictable because they can be interpreted on the basis of a...

Jerry Apps

Tents, Tigers, and the Ringling Brothers (Badger Biography Series)

This new addition to the Badger Biography series for young readers features the story of the young Ringling brothers of circus fame. The book tells the inspiring story of the seven sons of German and French immigrants who were guided by...

Christopher Morris

My America

Over the past 20 years Christopher Morris has concentrated the greater part of his work on war correspondence, documenting more than 18 foreign conflicts, including the U.S. invasion of Panama, the Persian Gulf War, the drug war in Columbia, and the...

Георгий Мдивани

Георгий Мдивани. Собрание сочинений в четырех томах. Том 3

В третий том Собрания сочинений Георгия Мдивани входят пьесы, написанные драматургом за последние десять лет. Среди них такие известные произведения, как "Твой дядя Миша", "День рождении Терезы", кроме того, пьесы "Лилео!", "Большая мама", "Василий...

Florinda Donner-Grau

The Witch's Dream: A Healer's Way of Knowledge

A renowned student of don Juan Matus, Florinda Donner-Grau entered the world of spiritual healing as an anthropologist. But her involvement soon deepened into something far more personal when she bacame an apprentice to dona Mercedes, and aged...

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Лента Виктор Ерофеев. Мужчины Rupert Graves. Richard II (Arkangel Shakespeare) Gregory H. Watson. Business Systems Engineering : Managing Breakthrough П. П. Бажов. Малахитовая шкатулка George Szell. Beethoven. Symphony No. 3 "Eroica" З. Лезер. Экзотические насекомые В. Н. Латчук, В. В. Марков, С. К. Миронов, С. Charles E. Lindblom. The Market System: What It Is, How It Works, Frances S. Grodzinsky. Networking & Data Communications Ольга Арнольд. Нет проблем с доктором Laura Dower. From the Files of Madison Finn: On Джон Бэттелл. Поиск.Как компания Google и ее конкуренты переписали Richard K. Morgan, Bill Sienkiewicz. Black Вести Поиск майл.ру МСН Jerome S. Arcaro. Teams in Education: Creating Ken Blanchard, Sheldon Bowles. Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Одноклассники
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