Лиза. М. Вимер

Как установить контакт с духовным проводником

Широкому кругу читателей предлагаются инструкции, позволяющие общаться с силами, направляющими движения человеческих душ, и обрести внутреннюю мудрость. ...

Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Jean-Pascal Bassino, Jaques Jaussaud

The Changing Economic Environment in Asia: Firms' Strategies in the Region

Offering a critical reappraisal of the causes of the 1997 Asian crisis and of its impact on the strategies of firms, this book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how firms have responded to the changes brought about by the...

Angela Morella, Mary O'Hanlon

Job Sharing: Two Heads Are Better than One (Making It Happen series)

This guide to overcoming the obstacles and issues of job sharing covers everything from personal and professional benefits to the economic benefits of such an arrangement for the employer. Included are anecdotal stories about how to successfully...

Asian Development Bank

Asian Development Outlook 1999 (Asian Development Bank Books)

This is the 2002 edition of Asian Development Outlook, the Asian Development Bank's annual survey of economic progress in its developing member countries in Asia and the Pacific. First published in 1989, the ADO provides a comprehensive yet...

Philip C. Abrami, Paul Cholmsky, Robert Gordon

Statistical Analysis for the Social Sciences: An Interactive Approach

Integrated book and CD-ROM package emphasizes the logic of statistical procedures, fundamental concepts, and application of quantitative techniques to statistical problems. Every book is packaged with a free...

Alan H. Kvanli

Introduction to Business Statistics: A Computer Integrated, Data Analysis Approach

A mainstream text appropriate for both the undergraduate and MBA levels for either the one- or two-term introductory business statistics course. Comprehensive coverage with a conversational writing style to make the text less intimidating to the...

Louise Hay

I Can Do It Cards: Affirmations for Wealth (I Can Do It Cards)

Louise L. Hay, the internationally renowned author of You Can Heal Your Life, brings you 12 affirmation cards on wealth. Post these cards in your home, workplace, car . . . or give them to friends and family. They're sure to give you an enhanced...

Catherine Robertson

Safety, Nutrition & Health in Child Care

Safety, Nutrition and Health in Child Care Centers will prepare child directors, assistant directors and teachers to deal with issues of children's safe environments and good nutrition and health, in a practical and realistic manner. It covers basic...

Д. Лейн

Стань богатым!

Богатым хотел бы стать любой. Это - глубокое убеждение автора и главная идея книги. Не удается же разбогатеть зачастую просто из-за отсутствия на удивление простых способов и элементарных знаний о финансовых законах, благодаря которым наши...

James S. Quasney, John Maniotes, Roy O. Foreman

QBasic Fundamentals and Style with an Introduction to Microsoft Visual Basic, Second Edition

Besides introducing users to the correct way to design and write programs by means of structured and top-down techniques, this book presents fundamental topics concerning computers and programming that should be covered in any introductory...

James C. Leiterman

Vector Game Math Processors (Wordware Game Math Library)

The increased complexity of the hardware in video game consoles such as the PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Xbox and other embedded systems has resulted in a demand for programmers knowledgeable in vector-based program-ming. Vector Game Math Processors...

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