Д. В. Сивухин

Общий курс физики. Том IV. Оптика

Четвертый том курса физики, широко известного у нас в стране и за рубежом. Книга написана на основе лекций, которые в течение ряда лет читались автором студентам Московского физико-технического института. Основное внимание уделено выяснению...

Александр Широкорад

Путь к трону. Историческое исследование

Историческое исследование "Путь к трону" - уникальное произведение, не имеющее аналогов в художественной или документальной литературе. Оно представляет собой историю древнего рода Кошкиных-Захарьиных-Романовых. Героями книги являются десятки людей...

Jean-Pierre Fouque, George Papanicolaou, K. Ronnie Sircar

Derivatives in Financial Markets With Stochastic Volatility

This important work addresses problems in financial mathematics of pricing and hedging derivative securities in an environment of uncertain and changing market volatility. These problems are important to investors from large trading institutions to...

John F. Sestina

Managing to Be Wealthy

How can you manage to be wealthy? In Managing to Be Wealthy , John Sestina, a 30 year veteran and visionary founder of fee only financial planning, shows you how to put together a financial plan using sensible, proven, low risk...

Jean-Jacques Laffont

Advances in Economic Theory: Sixth World Congress (Econometric Society Monographs)

These books comprise papers examining the latest developments in economic theory given at the Sixth World Congress of the Econometric Society in Barcelona in August 1990. They are the latest in a series of collections that cover the most active...

Daniel M. Kaplan, Christopher White

Hands-On Electronics: A Practical Introduction to Analog and Digital Circuits

Packed full of real circuits to build and test, Hands-on Electronics is an unique introduction to analog and digital electronics theory and practice. Ideal for teaching and self-study, the book's friendly style, clear illustrations and construction...

Philippe van Parijs, Joshua Cohen, Joel Rogers

What's Wrong With a Free Lunch?

Our politicians insist that we live in a time of unprecedented prosperity, yet more and more Americans are pointing out that the richest 1% of our society holds more wealth than the bottom 90% put together. In this timely book, economist Philippe...

Jonathan D. Rosenblum

Copper Crucible: How the Arizona Miners' Strike of 1983 Recast Labor-Management Relations in America

A Choice Magazine "Outstanding Academic Book for 1995" "Jonathan D. Rosenblum's history of this one strike reveals to us, in chapter and verse, the barbaric use of power by the corporate big boys. It is a stunning metaphor for labor's trouble...

Wendy Leebov

Telephone Skills for Professionals in Health Care

This practical booklet helps healthcare employees who interact with patients and other customers on the phone to develop a strong customer orientation and the behaviors that demonstrate excellent customer service toward patients, physicians,...

Nick Grippo, Jane C. Russo

Hollywood Dish!: Recipes, Tips, & Tales of a Hollywood Caterer

Hollywood caterer Nick Grippo provides dozens of star-tested, easy-to-follow recipes, and complete menus--all without the stuffy grow-your-own-endive approach of other noted caterers. With full-color photography and personal snapshots, Grippo...

Marcia L. Tate, Marcia Tate

Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites: 20 Instructional Strategies That Engage the Brain

Tactile learners, spatial thinkers, and logical minds alike will become eager students as the strategies in this handbook are implemented. ...

<<<  Paul Newman: A Life in Pictures. Paul Newman: A Life in ...             Лариса Неменская. Борис Неменский >>>

К. К. Вагинов. Козлиная Песнь (аудиокнига MP3) Дина Ахметова. Выйти замуж за мертвеца Дж. Харрисон, Дж. Уайнер, Дж. Таннер, Н. Барникот. Смирнов В.А. Симплициальные и операдные методы в алгебраической Г. Борн. Реестр Windows 98 ( + дискета ) David D. Busch. Adobe Photoshop CS: Photographers' Guide Транслит Считаем калории. Согласитесь, большинство женщин упорно МСН Огюст Эскофье. Кулинарный путеводитель. Рецепты Alanis Morissette, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. The Prayer Cycle. Исполнитель: Транслит Фенимор Купер. Вайандотте, или Дом на Холме С. Н. Бухарин, В. В. Цыганов. Методы и технологии QIP.ру
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