Катарина Фишер

Снежный странник

Из далекого царства льдов и туманов, лежащего за пределами мира людей, пришла Снежная странница Гудрун, чтобы страхом и колдовством подчинить себе народ древнескандинавского селения Ярлсхольд. Оружие бессильно против злой и коварной колдуньи, и...

J. Morgan

Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Volume 13 (Advances in Applied Microeconomics)

Book DescriptionAs demand to substantiate predictions from economic theory with causal empirical evidence increases, economists have more and more turned towards controlled laboratory experiments. As this field has blossomed it has provided evidence...

John C. Edmunds

Executive Refreshers: Finance, The Fundamentals for Business Professionals

Book DescriptionExecutive Refresher: Finance is a quick crash course on the basics from B-School. This book is the ideal solution for business professionals in search of a refresher on the fundamentals of finance, applied to and translated for the...

Richard G. Schroeder

Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis: Text Readings and Cases, Eighth Edition

Book DescriptionUpdated, refocused, and revised, this Eighth Edition of ACCOUNTING THEORY AND ANALYSIS will help you build strong critical thinking skills and a sound theoretical background, so you can evaluate accounting practice in today’s...

Edward Jablonski

Gershwin Remembered

Book DescriptionThe life and work of Gershwin recalled by friends, colleagues, associates, and pupils, including Koussevitsky, Schoenberg, Richard Rodgers, and his brother Ira. HARDCOVER...

Michael McPherson

All Those Summers: The Memories of Surfing's Golden Age

Book DescriptionThe 1960's were a seminal era in the sport of surfing, especially in Hawai`i, where a bold new breed of surfer plied the waters of Ala Moana and Pipeline, Haleiwa and Honolua Bay. These homegrown young men and women surfed in the...

Gervasio Sanchez

Cinco anos despues (Vidas minadas) : Bilingual edition

Book Description Coinciding with the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Ottawa Convention to ban land mines, this bilingual photo essay depicts how the lives of four young victims of land mines have evolved since they were featured in the...

Andrew Oliver

Missing What's-Her-Name

Set in a Wisconsin village, Missing What's-Her-Name is the light-hearted satirical tale of the whimsical man known as Mole, who suddenly discovers that someone has been writing his most unusual life?and of his daring, and improbable,plan to...

Hagstrom Map Co.

Borough of the Bronx City of New York

Book DescriptionThis pocket map is fully indexed and contains building numbers, U.S., State, and interstate highways, subway and railroad lines, ZIP codes, Post Office stations, parks, golf courses, ferries, cemeteries, hospitals...

David Bloom

The Fortunate Fall : A Play in One Act

Book DescriptionAidin and Ana have recently relocated to New York from Los Angeles much to Ana's argument. Events in the city and Aidin's past cause much conflict in their relationship. Aidin's past is uncovered forcing Ana to deal with a situation...

Dante Rossetti

Dante Gabriel Rossetti: His Family Letters Part One

Book DescriptionVolume One of Two. Other volumes in this set are ISBN(s): 141797026X....

<<<  Е. П. Кузнечихин, Э. В. Ульрих. Хирургическое ...             Лариса Неменская. Борис Неменский >>>

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