Brian Hawkins

Preventative Programming Techniques: Avoid and Correct Common Mistakes (Programming Series)

Book Description Preventative Programming Techniques provides programmers with a clear and intelligent approach to detecting, preventing, and correcting the most common mistakes. It includes practical ways to reduce problems that occur every day,...

TOEFL Exam Essentials

In order to enter most U.S. college programs, foreign students must take and pass the TOEFL exam. This exam assesses the ability to communicate in English by testing listening, reading comprehension, grammar, and writing skills. Designed to help...

M. Panic

Globalization and National Economic Welfare

Book Description This book analyzes one of the most important and difficult macroeconomic questions at the beginning of the 21st century: how to overcome the growing threat to economic progress and political stability posed by negative aspects...

Pfeiffer's Classic Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys for Training and Development: The Most Enduring, Effective, and Valuable Assessments for Developing Managers and Leaders

Book Description Pfeiffer’s Classic Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys for Training and Development gathers the very best leadership and management-related assessments, instruments, and surveys from the acclaimed Pfeiffer...

Charles Wolf

Straddling Economics & Politics : Issues in Asia, the United States and the Global Economy

Book DescriptionThis collection of essays examines the case for and against globalization, the effects of U.S. economic and foreign policy, and numerous issues related to Asian economics and politics. Published in prominent journals and news media...

Джанни Родари

Почему? Отчего? Зачем?

В сборник известного итальянского писателя Джанни Родари (1921-1980) вошли стихи и сказки, такие как: "Приключения Чиполлино", "Путешествие Голубой Стрелы", "Планета Новогодних Елок" и другие произведения. ...

David Gallagher

Blood on the Reik: A Journey Through the Old World

An artbook packed with David Gallagher's concept sketches of the many denizens of the Warhammer Online RPG, demonstrating how they were used in the realization of the game. Warhammer Online is a new massively multiplayer online game set against...

Cool Restaurants Barcelona (Cool Restaurants)

Barcelona's place at the forefront of European architecture and design during the past fifteen years is nowhere more apparent than in the interiors of its remarkable restaurants and bars. Cool Restaurants Barcelona presents a "best-of" selection of...

Seymour Bernstein

Monsters and Angels

Book DescriptionThis book by internationally known writer, composer, teacher and lecturer Seymour Bernstein expounds upon topics touched on in his bestseller With Your Own Two Hands (HL50482589). Bernstein teaches readers the truth about performing...

Donald B. Cole

A Jackson Man: Amos Kendall and the Rise of American Democracy (Southern Biography Series)

Book DescriptionA rare, fascinating personality emerges in Donald B. Cole?s biography of Amos Kendall, the reputed intellectual engine behind Andrew Jackson?s administration and an influential figure in the transformation of young America...

И. Ф. Масанов

Словарь псевдонимов русских писателей, ученых и общественных деятелей. В четырех томах. Том 1

Москва, 1956 год. Издательство Всесоюзной книжной палаты. Издательский переплет. Сохранность хорошая. С портретом автора. Настоящее издание "Словаря псевдонимов" включает все материалы, собранные И. Ф. Масановым в период 1900 - 1945 годов...

<<<  Лев Кассиль. Держись, капитан!             Лариса Неменская. Борис Неменский >>>

DIVERSE. HALLELUJA...HALLE. Исполнитель: DIVERSE Альбом: Почта Российская газета Воронин А.. Слепой. Возвращение с того света МСН Francis Green. Demanding Work: The Paradox of Job Quality Нигма О компьютерах Поиск майл.ру Crime Life. Уличные войны. Что делать простому черному парню на
Хасавюрт, Северодвинск, Обнинск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Ростов-на-Дону, Нальчик, Кострома, Киселёвск, Пятигорск, Щёлково, Казань, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Новочебоксарск, Челябинск, Хабаровск, Иваново, Новокуйбышевск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Калининград, Черкесск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Димитровград,
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