James E. Lukaszewski

When You Are the Target : Coping With Activist Intrusions and Threats

The aggressiveness of activism is intensifying. While the threat of terrorism is no where near as great in the United States as it is in other parts of the world, direct activist action against individuals and their families is becoming a routine...

J. Michael Farr, Laurence Shatkin

Best Jobs for the 21st Century (Best Jobs for the 21st Century, 3rd Ed)

More than 500 job descriptions?65 best jobs lists! Find the best jobs in just two easy steps! First, browse 65 best jobs lists that rank the best jobs in categories that fit salary needs, education attainment, interests, and career...

Susan K. Jacobson

Communication Skills for Conservation Professionals

Community and public support are essential to the success of conservation and resource management programs. Often, the level of support received depends on whether or not the goals and importance of the program have been clearly explained to the...

Ralph S. Carson

Radio Communications Concepts: Analog

An introduction to radio communications applications of analog systems. This text/reference emphasizes those aspects of communication system design that allow technical specifications to be established for the radio circuitry, employing...

Geza Feketekuty, Bruce Stokes, Monterey Institute of International Studies

Trade Strategies for a New Era: Ensuring U.S. Leadership in a Global Economy

The book is the culmination of two years of research led by Geza Feketekuty. Among the book's 21 authors are current members of Congress, former government officials, representatives of American business, and prominent academic and policy...

Steven C. Blank

The End of Agriculture in the American Portfolio

American agricultural production is destined to end, argues Steven Blank, but this should be no cause for alarm. In this work, he shows that the changes leading to the end of American agricultural production are part of a natural process that is...

Justin O'Brien

Wall Street on Trial : A Corrupted State?

The politics of business have become the business of politics. Across the world the lesson is clear: just as too much governmental interference leads to dysfunctional economies, left to its own devices the market is incapable of adequate...

Geoffrey A. Hirt, Stanley B. Block

Managing Investments

Geoffrey Hirt and Stanley Block's books on investing have sold more than 1 million copies to date. Now Managing Investments brings their work to a whole new audience, providing financial professionals and sophisticated individual investors...

Michael D. Regan

The Kaizen Revolution

The remarkable new strategy to implement lean manufacturing and improve quality, cost, and delivery. Understand why traditional improvement strategies don't work, and why Kaizen Events are the ideal tool to achieve breakthrough results. How to grow...

Aidan Ward, John Smith

Trust and Mistrust : Radical Risk Strategies in Business Relationships

If we trust someone we put ourselves at risk, but we do so voluntarily. In business there may be no way of clinching that deal without engaging in that personal risk, but to deny or externalise that risk is to enter the world of blame and misuse of...

Beverley Williams, Don Cooper

The 30 Second Commute : The Ultimate Guide to Starting and Operating a Home-Based Business

A three-part plan to help you create a booming business Nearly 25 million Americans operate a registered home-based business--and those numbers are growing every day. In The 30-Second Commute , leading home business experts...

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