Коршунова Л.

Квант, атом, ядро: пособие по физике

Методы решения задач по квантовой физике, строению атома и ядра. Приведены подробные решения задач по энергетическому выходу ядерных реакций. Задачи различной степени сложности подобраны в соответствии с программой изучения физики в средней школе. ...

Philip H. Mirvis

To the Desert and Back: The Story of the Most Dramatic Business Transformation on Record

Book DescriptionDove, Lipton, Knorr, Ben & Jerry's, and Slim*Fast are a few of the brands that are part of the $66 billion global empire known as Unilever. When the story opens, one of its divisions is in deep trouble— declining volume,...

Jacob Engwerda

LQ Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games

Book DescriptionA self-contained introduction to an extensively used of economic models. Linear Quadratic Differential Games is an assessment of the state of the art in its field and modern book on linear-quadratic game...

Paul Petillo

Building Wealth in a Paycheck-to-Paycheck World

Book Description In the bestselling tradition of The Wealthy Barber , a nuts-and-bolts financial planning guide for the rest of us Five years ago, a butcher from Portland, Oregon, named Paul Petillo was frustrated by the lack...

Peter Cattrell

Photography Foundation Course

Book Description Digital and conventional, shooting and printing, techniques and creative inspiration--whatever your needs as a photographer, fulfill them with this wonderfully practical, thoroughly illustrated course. It will take novice...

Alice Borchardt

The Raven Warrior : The Tales of Guinevere

Book Description With the knowing eye and fiery voice of an accomplished storyteller, Alice Borchardt takes us back to the amazing world of a re-envisioned Camelot in the continuing Tales of Guinevere. Remarkably strong, magically talented, a...

K.A. Applegate

Lost and Found (Remnants, Book 10)

Book Description It’s been 90 days since the Remnants broke the Big Compromise, turning Mother from her course. Now they’ve arrived at the place they called home...500 years ago. But a lot can change in five centuries. Earth has...

Linda Perlstein

Not Much Just Chillin' : The Hidden Lives of Middle Schoolers

Book DescriptionSuddenly they go from striving for A’s to barely passing, from fretting about cooties to obsessing for hours about crushes. Former chatterboxes answer in monosyllables; freethinkers mimic everything from clothes to opinions....

John DiLeo

100 Great Film Performances You Should Remember - But Probably Don't

Book DescriptionFrom Lillian Gish in Way Down East (1920) to Renee Zellweger in Nurse Betty (2000), DiLeo takes movie fans on an unpredictable ride through 80 years of film history, showcasing a variety of genres and performing styles, and providing...

Richard Carlton Haney

"When Is Daddy Coming Home?": An American Family during World War II

Book Description "When Is Daddy Coming Home?" is the moving story of one young American family during World War II. The war was coming to a close in Europe, and Richard Carlton Haney was only four years old when a...

Вадим Дамье

Забытый интернационал. Том 1. От революционного синдикализма к анархо-синдикализму. 1918-1930

Исследование посвящено анархо-синдикалистскому Интернационалу - организации, объединившей в своих рядах сторонников идеи всеобщего самоуправления. Его история, по словам одного из видных деятелей анархо-синдикализма, - "это пламенная история...

<<<  Египет. Иллюстрированный путеводитель. Этот путеводитель ...             Владислав Отрошенко. Приложение к фотоальбому >>>

Работа Николай Андреев. Мир героев Арбитражный процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации. Народ.ру Мымра. Владимир Вдовиченков ("Звездочет"), Стефан Цвейг. Стефан Цвейг. Сочинения в шести книгах. Книга 1 Российская газета Программы Почта.ру П. А. Ломакин. Звук на персональном компьютере Вакансии E. Reed Doke, Bill C. Hardgrave. An Introduction to Object COBOL Транслит Keith Schengili-Roberts. Core CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (2nd Caballe, Montserrat. Con Todo Mi Corazon. Исполнитель: Caballe, Montserrat Почта Владимир Гомельский. НБА
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