Marjorie Eberts

Careers in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality

VGM Professional Careers Series Offers high-level information about the many job choices within various professional career fields. Each book provides complete information about a given specialty, including responsibilities, opportunities for...

Rhoda H. Halperin

Cultural Economies Past and Present (Texas Press Sourcebooks in Anthropology)

When anthropologists and other students of culture want to compare different societies in such areas as the organization of land, labor, trade, or barter, they often discover that individual researchers use these concepts inconsistently and from a...

Barry Naughton

The China Circle: Economics and Electronics in the Prc, Taiwan, and Hong Kong

As the British relinquish control of Hong Kong, the economic relationship among the People's Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan, and Hong Kong becomes especially significant. Despite political and diplomatic tensions, this relationship has grown...

Luigi Guiso, Michael Haliassos, Tullio Jappelli

Household Portfolios

Until recently, researchers in economics and finance paid relatively little attention to household portfolios. Reasons included the tendency of most households to hold simple portfolios, the inability of the dominant asset pricing models to account...

Jae K. Shim

Information Systems and Technology For The Non-Information Systems Executive: An Integrated Resource Management Guide fo

Thirty years ago, computers seemed more science fiction than business fact. Today we have e-commerce, e-marketing, computerized scheduling, manufacturing, and a whole new field called information technology. Computers now have applications for every...

Pamela S. Lewis, Pamela Lewis, Stephen H. Goodman, Patricia M. Fandt

Management With Infotrac: Challenges for Tomorrow's Leaders With Infotrac College Edition

Management: Challenges for Tomorrow's Leaders, Fourth Edition, explains the function and role of management in todays organization, presenting current theory, trends, and influences on today's managers and organizations. The text balances theory...

Elaine Biech

The 2002 Annual, Volume 1, Training

Wondering how you'll meet the training demands of the new millenium? Here's your answer. Join the thousands of trainers, consultants, facilitators, and managers who rely on the Pfeiffer Annuals year after year for up-to-date resources to make their...

Edward W. Werz

Letters That Sell

"Ed Werz is one of the few people in this country who knows how to write results-oriented sales letters." -- Gerhard Gschwandtner, Publisher Personal Selling Power "I found it to be an extremely instructive, well-documented, and helpful...

Spencer Strauss, Martin Stone

The Unofficial Guide to Real Estate Investing

The inside scoop... for when you want more than the official line! We?ve all heard stories of the millionaire real-estate tycoons who started out by scraping together enough money for a down payment on a modest first property?or so...

Credit Scores, Credit Cards: How Consumer Finance Works: How to Avoid Mistakes and How to Manage Your Accounts Well

How to make sure your credit history, financial data, account information and other essentials are strong and safe! In 2001, the average North American consumer spent nearly $40,000 on credit cards. By 2005, this average person will carry over...

Э. А. Макаев

Общая теория сравнительного языкознания

В монографии рассматривается широкий круг теоретических проблем сравнительно-исторического и индоевропейского языкознания. Опираясь на материал индоевропейских языков, автор дает новое обоснование ряда исходных положений компаративистики, имеющее...

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Рефераты Топ Лист Поиск мета Сурдин В.. Неуловимая планета О. И. Кукушкина, Е. Л. Гончарова, Т. К. Королевская. Все о Линукс С. Симонович, В. Мураховский, Г. Евсеев. Популярный самоучитель работы на компьютере. Blackalicious. Blazing Arrow. Данное издание содержит Э. Успенский. Каникулы в Простоквашино Первый рыцарь. Коллекционное издание. Шон Коннери ("Неприкасаемые", Считаем калории. Согласитесь, большинство женщин упорно Вести Конференция Компьютерные новости Этель Лилиан Войнич. Овод (аудиокнига Футбол
Королёв, Тольятти, Петрозаводск, Ангарск, Каменск-Уральский, Северск, Тобольск, Казань, Санкт-Петербург, Южно-Сахалинск, Электросталь, Саранск, Кострома, Миасс, СергиевПосад, Черкесск, Иваново, Красноярск, Владикавказ, Тольятти, Хабаровск, Елец, Муром, Воронеж, Нефтеюганск, Калининград, Тольятти, Кемерово, Санкт-Петербург, Вологда, Владикавказ,
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