Emerson W. Pugh

Building IBM: Shaping an Industry and Its Technology

No company of the twentieth century achieved greater success and engendered more admiration, respect, envy, fear, and hatred than IBM. Building IBM tells the story of that company -- how it was formed, how it grew, and how it shaped and...

Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Mauricio Font, Mauricio A. Font

Charting a New Course

For decades F. H. Cardoso has been among the most influential of Latin American scholars, his writings on globalization, dependency, and politics having reached a world-wide audience. This book, the third by Cardoso to appear in English, is the...

William M. Bueler

An Agenda for Sustainability: Fairness in a World of Limits

William Bueler's book is on the cutting edge of an emerging issue--sustainability. Richard D. Lamm, former Govenor of Colorado says,"sustainability is the next great revolution facing humankind. No trees grow to the sky. No population or economy...

Larry H. P. Lang

Project Finance in Asia

Hardbound. In this book, the mysteries of the new 'Asian definition of project finance' have been unravelled, the richness and complexities of the constantly-evolving efforts have been explored, and contrasts the Asian adapted definition with the...

Peter F. Drucker

Managing in the Next Society

Following in the successful vein of Managing for the Future (1992) and Managing in a Time of Great Change (1995), the incomparable Peter Drucker is back with fresh thoughts, insights, and knowledge about the ever-changing business...

World Bank

World Development Report 2003: Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World: Transforming Institutions, Growth, and Quality of Life

The World Development Report 2003 addresses how to lift from poverty the three billion people now living in severe deprivation. It also explores how to improve the quality of life for everybody today and for the two billion more who will join...

Murray L. Weidenbaum, Erik R. Peterson

Looking for Common Ground on U.S. Trade Policy

In this report, the author tracks the unraveling of what had been a broad consensus on trade policy--a consensus that had existed until the 1970s--up through the demonstrations in Seattle and Genoa. He then examines the major criticisms of...

Charles F. Hofacker, Charles F. Hofacker

Internet Marketing , 3rd Edition

* Online Activities. Each chapter in this text has an Online Activities section tied to research activities using the Interactive Journal. By using the Interactive Journal to complete the exercises, readers can gain a better understanding of the...

Reva Basch, Mary Ellen Bates

Researching Online for Dummies (with CD-ROM)

Whether you're beginning a college thesis or searching for a new toaster, Researching Online For Dummies , 2nd Edition, is your key to finding the information you need -- online and anytime. This book helps you develop a multitiered research...

John Preston, Sally Preston, Robert Ferrett

Learn Office XP (Volume II)

This book is highly-visual and skills-based, delivering the steps in a screen-by-screen format. The LEARN.EDU learning system represents specific chapter elements and provides users with an effective, logical pedagogy to facilitate their progress...

Gunnar Heine

GPRS Signaling and Protocol Analysis: Volume 1: RAN and Mobile Station

Some of your questions that will be answered by this book: - How can I evaluate GPRS recording files on the various new interfaces (Gb, Gn Gp) and on the Abis-lnterface? - What is the meaning of the various new parameters,...

<<<  А. Г. Хрипкова, Г. С. Калинова, И. О. Тупицын. Методическое ...             Владислав Отрошенко. Приложение к фотоальбому >>>

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