Society for Human Resource Management, Society for Human Resource Management

2002 Workplace Demographic Trends Survey

Investigating demographic changes in the population, this survey explores the effects these changes will have on the workplace. Also discussed are perceptions about key business trends and trends affecting the human resource profession and society...

Steven Cohen, William Eimicke

The Effective Public Manager : Achieving Success in a Changing Government (The Jossey-Bass Nonprofit and Public Management Series)

Since it was first published more than a decade ago, The Effective Public Manager has become the standard manual for public administrators and students. This practical provides core concepts to help real-world managers and mangers-to-be meet...

Robert Albritton

Dialectics and Deconstruction in Political Economy

In this original study, Robert Albritton offers an authoritative reassessment of Marxist political economy. Original reinterpretations of Hegel, Weber, Althusser, Derrida, and Adorno cast new light on heated battles between Hegelian dialectics...

Gottfried Von Haberler

Prosperity and Depression: A Theoretical Analysis of Cyclical Movements

This book has its origin in a resolution adopted by the Assembly of the League of Nations in September 1930 by which it was decided that an attempt should be made to co-ordinate the analytical work then being done on the problem of the recurrence of...

Bill English, Olga Londer, Todd Bleeker, Shawn Shell, Stephen Cawood

Microsoft Content Management Server 2002: A Complete Guide

Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) may be relatively new on the Web-publishing scene, but it's very closely integrated with the Windows infrastructure and therefore an attractive option for many organizations. Microsoft Content Management...

Jim Sterne

Web Metrics: Proven Methods for Measuring Web Site Success

There now exists a wealth of tools and techniques that can determine if and how a Web site is providing business value to its owners. This book is a survey of those metrics and is as important to IT executives as it is to marketing professionals. ...

Brian S. Everitt, Sabine Landau, Morven Leese

Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis comprises a range of methods of classifying multivariate data into subgroups, and these techniques are widely applicable. The 4th edition of Cluster Analysis updates the successful 3rd edition and incorporates new material to cover...

Icon Health Publications

Astigmatism: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Peter D. Hipson, Peter Hipson

Mastering Windows XP Registry

--This book teaches you about the Registry architecture and how it can be monitored and modified to suit your administrative and personal needs. --Registry coverage for users of Windows XP Home Edition, Professional, and .NET Server versions....

Jon McFarland, Rob Polevoi

3DS Max 4 In Depth

3ds MAX 4 In Depth provides readers with a comprehensive reference for creating effects for film, movies, and games. This book covers the modeling and modification of structures from primitive objects, plus other parametric design tools found in the...

А. В. Джелали

Секреты Наполеона. Сверхпамять. Внимание. Скорочтение

Содержащиеся в этой книге материалы раскрывают секреты необыкновенных способностей Наполеона Бонапарта, поставивших его в ряд наиболее выдающихся людей всех времен. Помимо уникальных методов развития непроизвольной памяти (которой мы...

<<<  Большой подарок для девочки. Прически, украшения, поделки. В этой красочной, ...             Hiroaki Kitano, James A. Hendler. Massively Parallel Artificial ... >>>

А. П. Колесников. Топологические методы в теории приближений Martine Beugnet. Claire Denis (French Film Directors) Игорь Сафронов. Visual Basic в задачах и примерах Matthew Fuller. Media Ecologies: Materialist Где 042?. Александр Збруев ("Бедная Саша"), Джим Бойс. Настройка и повышение производительности Виктор Штерн. Основы С++. Методы программной инженерии ДМОЗ К. И. Шарафадина. "Алфавит Флоры" в образном языке литературы пушкинской Г. А. Кнабе. Adobe Photoshop CS2. Эффективное руководство для новичков Блокнот розовый "MyMy", формат А4. Этот симпатичный Рефераты SWING OUT SISTER. SOMEWHERE DEEP IN THE NIGHT. Исполнитель: Л. М. Куликов. Основы социологии и политологии Ответы Thomas J. Webster. Managerial Economics : Theory and Practice Kanishka Jayasuriya. Governing the Asia Pacific: Beyond the "New Regionalism Стэнли Л. Брю, Кэмпбелл Р. Макконнелл. Экономикс.
Междуреченск, Ноябрьск, Казань, Железнодорожный, Волгоград, Коломна, Новочеркасск, Новый Уренгой, Брянск, Владикавказ, Сызрань, Тобольск, Копейск,
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